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1076048 No. 1076048 ID: c4908b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

You go by Vex. You are an ARMS DEALER by trade and you've been at this for a couple of years now.

At the moment, you're having a smoke to try and calm down the adrenaline rush from almost (successfully) being SET UP.

R18. nsfw/gore/body horror potential. heavy themes including self harm may be explored (but not explicitly). Toxic Yuri Guaranteed.
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No. 1090730 ID: d1dff1
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She rolls her eyes, "I couldn't exactly rush it. If you weren't here, it would take me a few more years."

You lift your mug up, "Cheers to that." You eye each other, "So, you think the Bulls will take over after we're done?"

Eiko glares but sips her tea, staring into it for a moment, "Like hell. Over my dead body that I'll let those cunts even try it."

Your eyebrows almost fly off of your face. "Really? So you'll take over? If the Wolves disband they'll take advantage of that."

There's an awkward pause. It tells you all you need to know. She hasn't thought it through passed the point of killing Julien. Maybe she thought she'd have a few more years to think about it.

"I couldn't talk to Julien directly." She avoids your eyes as she changes the subject, "It looked like he was in a meeting, but I don't know with who."

You speak without missing a beat, "Could be anyone. Could be the Bulls."

She shakes her head, "He hates them as much as I do. When I tried asking, the other wolves said that he's been making deals."
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No. 1090731 ID: d1dff1
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No suspects come to mind except one.

You hope it's not her. She's usually too strict about consorting with criminals. That would also mean she's been camping here a while and that's not her usual style. Your Archangel likes to ambush you at a random inopportune time. Usually in a building. Usually where there's a bed.

Eiko sips more of her tea as you are momentarily lost in your drunken horny thoughts, "Tell me more about a world you've been to."

>A) DIM 2-67SS: World of Glass
>B) DIM 3-30XO: Kingdom of Nox
>C) DIM 3-30NS: The Necropolis
>D) DIM 4-50LR: Solar Circuit
>E) ______ (No DIM Tag Needed)
No. 1090732 ID: eb0a9c

Talk about the world where honking is a sacred musical art.
No. 1090740 ID: dd3fe0

Tell us about that world with the Magitech Tallships In Space, sailing the luminiferous aether!
No. 1090772 ID: 2f41db

Speak truth in what you share.
See if you can convey a bit of the beauty, wonder and terror of it all.
Because thats what it has to be, the sheer scale and potential of everything.

A world of glass sounds interesting.

Then the honking thing, whether its true or not.

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1086407 No. 1086407 ID: eb0a9c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Note: Made with GANBot.
Warning: Not Safe For Work. May contain sexual content. Will contain gore, violence, and child abuse.
Posts will be very slow.
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No. 1087600 ID: dd3fe0

Yes, and theeaten, "If that horrible yowling and crashing doesn't stop, I'm going to shoot everyone even vaguely present in the face!"
No. 1087689 ID: 5ebd37

No. 1088434 ID: eb0a9c
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I got this... I got this.

"Oheeey Capn Overlordy, wassap."
I don't got this.
"I... did you..."
"NooooOOOooooOOOO? OOOOO? OOOOhat?"
"Nevermind. I'm heading out tomorrow, you're in... something. Not in charge. Just... do whatever Tibberloch tells you. Don't... break the capital while I'm gone."
"...Pffahahahaha! Wellissnthanice! You-you-you forGOT! Is MY turn! But now you take my turn! Thassnice. You're NOT giving my turn-turn, though? Or isssit turn-turn-turn? Just turn? ANYWAYS I DON' OWE YOU, YOU OWE ME AND NOW YOU PAYING THE OWE ME THAT YOU UNOWED I! AHA!"
"Why do I keep you around?"
Yes, why does the Overlord keep this drunk mess around?
"I... Iunno. Maybe it's becaussss... I MURDERED that egg!"
Suddenly all the eggs scattered in the room start floating. Huh, her Trigger must be really easy to memorize if she can do it this drunk.
"AN' THIS e'!"
Okay, now that one turned blue... cute...
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No. 1088892 ID: 5ebd37

Bluff bluff bluff
You can't sleep with her tonight because... ..... becausssse... because all these eggs are really turning you off. Yes you hate eggs now, and just the thought will have you not in the mood for hours.
No. 1090766 ID: eb0a9c
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Me: "Uh... I can't, because you murdered that poor egg! And now I have to tell her family that she'll never get into bagel school!"
Aurie: "Ohhhh noooo"
Me: "Yes, what a tragic series of events that totally-"
???: "-verlord?"
Oh. Didn't get enough sleep.
Yep, I'm awake. And this still isn't a glamour.
Me: "Right. How much longer until we reach the fort?"
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1086981 No. 1086981 ID: 681cb5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

[Super NSFW]
May contain breeding, vore, transformation etc…

”Prurient Passage”
A Lascivious Labyrinth side story.

Wiki and previous threads: https://tezakia.net/wiki/Lascivious_Labyrinth

Somewhere deep in the most tenebrous wilderness, far from civilization and decency, it is said that a grand temple of the demi-god Wjares lays hidden. In those ancient rumor-shadowed halls, acts of unbridled hedonism and profane rituals were indulged in wild abandon, all to please the demi-god the structure was dedicated too. It is a place where instinct and impulse is acted up- huh? You’ve already heard this before? Alright, fine…

Welcome to the Prurient Passage! Hope you enjoy your stay…
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No. 1090149 ID: a7a180

First, give her what you took from her sister, cross two ladies off your list, and then ask them about the dungeon they guard. Where can you find more mates?
No. 1090150 ID: 56db77

Ohh I have an idea for an experiment. We have to knock up predators right? And we know unbirth guarantees pregnancy so what if we use the shrunk siter as a condom while fucking the large sister. With luck we'll knock up the little one directly and the forciable unbirth will count as us impregnanting the big one.
No. 1090151 ID: 2a82d3

Go for the "big prize", then. As scar lady will be your first in a long time, she will receive the strongest, most pent-up load you have. She'd better live up to her word about "popping out a lot of strong children". Use divination both to ensure that is the case, and to provide sweet/dirty talk to her. Ramp her up with an vivid, enticing prophecy of how swollen with she will be in her future. If you impress her enough, she might seek to live with you in the future. You should learn their names, in that case. She and her family would make a nice trophies/companions, if you weren't here on business.

It should go without saying no one here goes without bearing your burden of a curse. That includes the dude. Being a wizard is all about going hard on exploiting loopholes. There's a perfect opportunity to attack his behind while he's distracted by the dick sandwich. You could kill two birds with one stone. Rub his dick with yours to convert it, have him breed his sister, then have you breed him. (Conversation from dick to pussy optional.) Efficient!

Would they be interested in becoming your gear, like being transmute into clothes, staff, or accessories? That seems more your style, but some might consider it a fate worse than death. Of course, some wouldn't entertain the concept of being shrunk and being eaten as snacks, like they would.

You should probably interrogate them about the Passage, while you have them. (Bring out the S&M if y'all are still horny and worked up.) In no particular order:
What creatures or traps might you find in there?
What happened to any past adventurers who ventured before you?
Could you find any friendly helpful folks down there? (Perhaps there's a queen or midboss that'll be sympathetic to your cause.)
Is there anything important going down there?
They didn't ha
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No. 1090204 ID: 64faaa

Make the two males produce your seed, so if they decide to get some, the kid will be yours.

Then impregnate the 2 sisters.

Then keep the family together, & fuse the 3 siblings together. Give control of the shared body to the brother, since you can boss him around better than the sisters.

Regardless of what you do, gloat the whole way through. Now that the actual fighting parts are done, you gotta maintain your image.
No. 1090765 ID: 340fd5

make sure your the one knowking up the ladies but id say dont transform the dude
seems like hes taking using that dick like a fish to water
probably better as an ally in this place than one more spent pair of legs.
the bigger mob that has your back (and protects your backside) the better.
if you dont have enough preds bred you can always knock him up last minute on the way out .

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1084585 No. 1084585 ID: 681cb5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Wiki and previous threads: https://questden.org/wiki/Scion_of_the_Old_Blood

“Gazhtur! That which watched from beyond the stars, I call upon Thee! Nazhir! The formless lurker from the gulf between thresholds, I summon Thee! Urk’og! A devourer of worlds, of realities, I welcome you! The seals have been broken! The gates have been thrown open! Come, and bless us with your presence, oh end of endings! ” – Bövel Kråkholme, the last sermon held on the edge of oblivion.
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No. 1090600 ID: 273c18

Let's go up to the observatory and use the lens to obtain some possibly-mindrending forbidden knowledge about an eldritch god!
No. 1090603 ID: 5ebd37

That lens was hidden for a reason, and that was to hide the name of the red star, which is probably important. You should try the observatory now, you might not get the chance later.
No. 1090724 ID: eef602

i really hope these reloaded saves wont affect our ability to get the true ending
No. 1090760 ID: 15a025

Alright then Belle. Arm yourself with something and head up to the observatory. See if you can't find anything more up there about the red star.
No. 1090762 ID: eb0a9c

We need to learn about the cult's monsters... find some way to repel them, or injure them if we're cornered.

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1085368 No. 1085368 ID: 4591f8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Jury Summons with Hannah Dummons
Warnings: SFW. Death likely. Gore maybe.

“In a world of animals that would tear each other to shreds for a dime, there is one force that can maintain the good in the world.”


“Justice isn’t a clean blade. However, today, it is in your hands.”
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No. 1090375 ID: 18ae7d

As your dad would say; if you got yourself in There you can get yourself out.
Ask her if she has any metal bits she can slide to you.
No. 1090415 ID: 8f9bc4

Can you make a gun out of your complete failure?
No. 1090421 ID: 7cbed7

We're not okay, but we now have a bit of a better vantage point than before. Can we see around any corners? Can we see into any other cells better than when our eyes were behind bars?

Does Barbara have any butter, oil, or other grease? Out of pure curiosity.
No. 1090431 ID: ab4bb7

Just focus on getting unstuck. From the sounds of it, the jury's actually pretty lenient if they let your actual-serial-killer-in-the-making of a roommate go free. But you can't enjoy their possible mercy if you're executed for being too stuck to comply with guard-bot's instructions.
No. 1090759 ID: 15a025

Don't suppose you could use yourself as ammo and blast through the bars?

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1086689 No. 1086689 ID: 2eb1da hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

NSFW for nudity and possible lewdness
Chapter 1: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/823974.html
Chapter 2: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1059064.html
Chapter 3: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1068906.html
Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/Calliope
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No. 1090022 ID: debc82


Bedroom, probably, since it's likely to be the most concrete place. That or the kitchen.

Unless it was a hangout spot, I suspect the basement will have some bad vibes.
No. 1090030 ID: 5ebd37

the bedroom, the most familiar to you, should be the most complete in this memory construct. See if anything stands out, something connected to an important or, perhaps, repressed memory.
No. 1090041 ID: 273c18

The kitchen! Let's see if you can eat in here.
No. 1090043 ID: 7c151e

bedroom, maybe check for some old notebooks filled with poems or stories you've written growing up.
No. 1090756 ID: 15a025

The basement!

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1044452 No. 1044452 ID: ab70bc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Early autumn is pleasant in Cedar Ridge. Summer's hottest days are behind you and the shade of the Douglas fir trees that blanket the town keep the underbrush cool.

North of the lake that divides the town are sets of woods. Interrupted only by mud roads and storm drains that rarely see use outside of the rainy season. This grove is only a mile from the town's one high school. Frequented by teens and alcoholics alike for bonfire parties that leaves the smell of ash in the air. This far east into Oregon the breeze is warm and sluggish, trapped in by mountain ranges.

From where you stand you can hear when the occasional truck passes through Cedar Ridge's main road. Barely. It helps you keep your facing when you're unsure which way is home.

You are in the north in the outskirts of town.
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No. 1090533 ID: eb0a9c

"I like jumping across rooftops, okay?! Now answer my question: why the @#$% is there a severed arm in an alleyway?!"

Act like you didn't know this was a crime scene. Your cover story: You were busy challenging yourself to jump across rooftops, and you fell while failing to make the bonus score gap. Then you freaked out in silence for a few minutes when you noticed the severed arm.
No. 1090560 ID: fef0ba

Your waistline is fine, don't even worry about it. Worry more about the severed arm holy shit-
This! Say hey, you found a finger on the roof and then you found the arm and ask if there's a fucked up serial killer or something.
No. 1090589 ID: f2320a

Oh yeah found a ring on the roof had to bribe a crow for it along with the severed finger but i think it belongs to that hand
No. 1090604 ID: 8f9bc4


The precious is ours you must not let them have it!!!
No. 1090620 ID: 7c0da2

Tell him you didn't do it, in fact you have no idea what it is. You didn't see, heard or took anything.
And you don't want to see him anymore than he wants to see you, you just want to get to your band practice. Why would you get him in trouble anyway ? It's not like you can make him any worse at his job.

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1078544 No. 1078544 ID: 7ae8e6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

This is an NSFW Quest about sex, robots, and identity.

Welcome to the world.
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No. 1090651 ID: 2a82d3

It's also possible you're a minor celebrity, and she's, like, your biggest fan. She doesn't seem the type to pull off any big lies.
No. 1090653 ID: 940726

>"A-Ah, sorry. Takes a bit for me to... Adjust to new users."
That is barely a response. Is it "sorry for teasing you about your masculinity"? Or "sorry for threatening your life when I got bored with you"? Or "sorry for messing with your mind without asking permission or telling you"?

Let's make this perfectly clear, so there's no confusion in the future. Are you, or are you not, willing or able to murder Jack or forcibly alter his mind if he tries to do something you don't like? Tell us what you can do, and tell us what you're actually threatening to do.
No. 1090657 ID: df60a9

I hadn't considered that we might be a celebrity. That seems like something we'll find out very soon.

Also, I vote to not bring her along for now. We can see if she tries to follow you anyways.
No. 1090664 ID: ab46e9

Cute, but we're still trying to find ourselves. We'll link back up with her later, but for now we roll alone (and with HAX).

I don't think HAX is trying to be wicked or evil, moreso she's just excited to be with someone, frankly. It's fine, for me, apology accepted unless you do something out of pocket again.
No. 1090665 ID: 8fbb45

Oh, but definitely get her number.

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1080954 No. 1080954 ID: 5ebd37 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

(Will contain gore violence and death)

This winter has been harsh.
The snows started in September, by mid October the woods were buried.
Now the new year has brought the worst storm yet, and the dim sun overhead reflects the waning hope of those huddled around fading hearths clutching empty bowls.
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No. 1090494 ID: 5ebd37
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You choose the paralytic solution and offer your long knife. Lisel dabs a bit of the green slime onto a rag and methodically presses it along your weapon's edge. "There, give it a few minutes to set. And mind you don't go and lick it, though it smells refreshingly of mint." The two of you take a seat along the tent wall and observe the bustle while you wait. You remark that this is your first time being among other animals. The elders would do the talking those few times that travelers came by your small nest.

"Well you are in good company among these fine folk." the chemist replies "Given the harsh circumstances they have done exceedingly well." She sniffs "Hah, you woodlanders can be a downright odd lot though. Those tinker shrews, they seem to operate half on craft and the other half on mysticism. And the bugfolk!" You look at her quizzically "Ah, you wouldn't have met her yet; there is a moth priestess here. Up on the high shelf she keeps to herself, sending her beetle guards out to hunt. Apparently they are here to rescue their princess." At that you have to scoff. A princess, from one of the legendarily reclusive bug kingdoms, here? Lisel grins at your disbelief "I have not seen any sign of this being true, but to rescue a princess, why, surely that would give you access to their lands. They say some of the insectfolk produce strange substances within their own bodies. I would so love to investigate that for myself. Ah, well. The solutions ought to be set by now." she rubs the edge of the knife and nods, handing it back to you.
No. 1090495 ID: 5ebd37
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The dim light of day greets you as you follow the other hunters out of the woodshed. Last night's storm has died down to a gentle drift of flakes, though the sky remains a desolate gray. You and Lisel lag behind the others, as the little chemist struggles through the deep snow. Sound carries in the still and frozen air, distant crunching alerting you to the presence of a wolf, its hulking shape intimidating even at this distance. You watch as it patrols through the trees, your eye following the dark line that tethers it to the house.

The pair of you catch up to the others outside the library window. Single file you shimmy up the rough cord to the sill and make your way inside. The pallid light filtering through the dusty windows barely penetrates the room, stacks of shelves looming above and stretching far into the gloom.

While the other hunters start making their way down to the floor, Lisel nudges you and then makes a show of patting her pockets. "Oh dear, I seem to be all out of carbolic and lye powder. I'm just going to borrow Tem'rty and gather some at the washroom. We will meet up with you at the hunting ground." The other hunters wave her off, and she leads you down into the tangled stacks. Once you are halfway across the room she pulls a small lantern from her sleeve, twisting a knob to fill it with a harsh white light. "Now we have a bit of privacy, we can discuss how we might help one another not just survive, but wrest the secrets from this rotten manse."
No. 1090571 ID: c6a1d6

Alright if she is interested in secrets may she start out by telling her own. To be honest I don't know if your character has any secrets worth telling.
No. 1090615 ID: d87606

Our mission is to gain easy access to unlimited food. We're skilled with a knife, and experienced in hunting; once we learn the ways of this place, we'll be able to raid places others wouldn't dare. If she can promise to help us analyze how the puppets are controlled, then we can promise to fetch her materials the others won't get for her.
No. 1090622 ID: 273c18

Oh? That sounds interesting. What places hold secrets of interest?

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1082438 No. 1082438 ID: 2916f1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A Sci-Fi Mystery Quest about Ethics, Loss and Finding Oneself

Thread 1: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1079873.html
Discussion Thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/141592.html
Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/History_Unmade

You're trying to get used to this face of yours; to the artificiality of it, the familiarity and the sadness it invokes. You imagine it will take time. Your captors helpfully reinstalled the mirror above your sink but you're starting to understand why you might have taken it down in the first place. Before the amnesia.

With this face comes a name: Disquiet-247. Disq for short, you've decided. A familiar name, but devoid of context like so much in your life right now.

You still have so many questions. Shyama put his foot down though. Said you clearly needed a break. Maybe he's right. Maybe this is a good time to collect your thoughts.
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No. 1090480 ID: f75ce2

So am I getting that right - we've been mistrusting Shyama this entire time. He has outright confirmed that he has been hiding information both from us and from the world at large. But now that he asks is politely to help his side in a war we have no info about past his word, we're suddenly eager to share all our stuff with him?

How do we know this is truly what our tech will be used for?

Also, uhm... "I'm fine, Shyama, but Vijaya over there doesn't really seem okay."

I say we should ask to see Maya again. She and Vijaya have tickled more memories to the surface than Shyama could ever manage. We don't need to tell him this, but speaking to Maya, Vijaya and Gamal may also help us learn more nuance about the conflict and give us a better idea of if supporting this group's efforts will even actually be helpful.

But seriously, is Vijaya okay? Does she need a cup of water and to sit down for a sec?
No. 1090482 ID: dd3fe0

I think we need to ask them more, specifically, about why and how their side has the moral high ground again. See what rhetoric they give.
No. 1090498 ID: b3eab7

Well we sure don't want a second nuclear holocaust... But we'll need guarantees to ensure our actions don't cause it instead of averting it.
No. 1090605 ID: eb0a9c

At the end of the day, what these empires don't realize is that they cannot have blind faith in technology that requires decades of testing, error corrections, and mass education. Everyone's looking at the governments and waiting for one to press the button. None of them will expect how fragile the missile detection systems are.
So you can fit a haymaker into your one-two jab of tech support.

That's what you need to start with; information. Your first infrastructure should be implementing worldwide systems that can detect nuclear material, so that everyone knows where everyone else's bombs are and can go to sleep knowing those bombs are also tucked away and not busy killing the world. Then, those systems (and all systems) need a self-contained means of error-detection, meant to prevent nuclear errors through a series of redundant checks on likely motivations for a beeping red light and the means to properly re-test a potential short-circuit.
But the final step would be education. Bombard the planet with low-cost, low-tech, all-in-one educational TVs that blare out the necessary information about nuclear war, the systems used to detect nuclear material, etc. Frame it as a sort of obligatory instruction manual for this otherwise dangerous technology... and secretly program those TVs to give out free information about standard health practices, sciences, technologies that are easily implemented in low-income neighborhoods, anime (can't forget anime, duh), and 'theoretical' alternate history stories, if they're tweaked long enough. You'll educate the world into realizing just what they've allowed themselves to be ruled under.
The new empires will freak out - but what are they going to do, nuke the moon?
No. 1090606 ID: dd3fe0

I mean, full disclosure, there ARE ways to make flawed, limited, systems for shooting interception missiles or lasers at inbound nuclear missiles, so I don't want you to think I'm intentionally withholding high level information from you. But those will never stop a full scale exchange, the math doesn't work out for these sorts of things to trade well on the offensive/defensive calculation in terms of research, economic, or industrial effort required to get them 'sort of decent'. A nation that invested heavily in that stuff would still be annihilated by an equal peer that invested the same amount in just having more, better, and/or longer range missiles.

As far as social manipulation or social engineering goes... I'm not the best at that sort of thing, my ideas are based more on some technologies I didn't spend too much time focusing on, like the sorts of technologies designed to automate learning at a high level and to a large scale, like to teach or train anyone that even wanted to learn, as long as they had a very basic proficiency, and not just autodidacts and geniuses. A lot of that stuff was theorized to be able to do very dramatic sorts of social change from a bottom up rather than a top down level, and to be sure, Artificial Intelligence did cause extremely rapid social change as more people got access to it. I suppose the question becomes, how much time do we probably have? Days? Weeks? Months? Years?

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1081683 No. 1081683 ID: 127310 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

quest about making a house. will likely contain violence, blood, gore, death, and horror themes, though will try to keep a lighthearted tone. other nsfw content may arise given your suggestions.
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No. 1090369 ID: 8f9bc4

I suppose the dial indicates degrees of separation? 1 would exchange a glass of milk for a different glass of milk, while 3 makes a jug of milk, similar, and 6 makes a fistful of grass, far removed.

The echo chamber makes things? You were just testing it, to see how it functioned. Ask Gretchen if she wants to echo chamber anything, before heading home for the evening (because apparently it's become quite late?)
No. 1090376 ID: 18ae7d

Further testing required (when not hosting guests) but we can rule out the echo chamber simply making more of whatever substance is in it. Actually this makes sense, if it is about echoing further and further back through an item's history. If that is true then one of the settings between 3 and 6 should turn milk into cow (maybe don't test that right now)

All that to say, I don't think your going to get a non-milk drink out of it. Ask Gretchen if she would like a go at it.
No. 1090391 ID: 273c18

Glass->grass. It changed the letter. Looks like the dial determines how similar the resulting object is(similar to a certain SCP). Try 4 or 5 to see if you can get a different drink out of it without turning it into something inedible.

Tell her you're just experimenting. Why, is there a way to get specific things? You'd like a different drink.
No. 1090487 ID: ab4bb7

Actually, it might be because cows turn grass into milk. If we turned the dial to 4 or 5 would produce a steak? An entire cow? Raw milk or the half-digested cud that cows store in their stomach, depending on if it was 4 or 5? Would a 7 produce dirt? Grass seeds? The possibilities are endless, as long as you're only looking backward in time. There's only so much you can do with milk, though, so let's stop for now.
No. 1090488 ID: 80c73b

Actually. Come to think of it. Have you asked anybody else in your family about your uncle, or his house? Did you even tell anybody you were going?

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1081887 No. 1081887 ID: df47b5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

We have something on the order of a week until this possible patron for my dungeon arrives for his tour, but we're making steady progress.

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No. 1090264 ID: 5ebd37

amalgamate would greatly speed up the development of new golems. Combine, observe the effects, and then figure out how to replicate.

You should get Merud a new robe.
No. 1090365 ID: 1371b2

We could use more dependable order in this dungeon and less lone heroes doing wild things when we’re not looking.
No. 1090426 ID: 031458

Amalgamate. It'll give Merude lots to experiment with.

Speaking of golem's, question, Deem.
Eventually, when you're fragment matures into it's own core, do you think she'll prefer to live as an independent golem or do you think she'll quickly settle down somewhere and start a new dungeon?
No. 1090483 ID: 273c18

Wait, which timeline does Stargazer remember?
No. 1090484 ID: 2409f2

Both of them seem like they'll up our overall level of power pretty heavily, golem garrison letting us float a larger contingent of enemies, and Amalgamate letting us refine quickly through combination.

I'd say it follows the way we are to go with amalgamate. Mutation and evolution is more your thing than having an army at your back.

And, just as a funny thought, now that Reisarf has a clone of him/herself, you know he's eventually going to get freaky with himself.

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1088718 No. 1088718 ID: 7a1a17 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This will be a NSFW quest! Expect nudity, violence, gore, sexual intercourse, confusing story lore, cryptic bullshit, borked updates, and stupid names
Discussion - https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/129715.html
Wiki - https://questden.org/wiki/The_Family_Business (I swear I'll actually do something to this page. Someday...)

Pain. Dizziness. Nausea. Loss of Appetite. A typical morning for me.
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No. 1090440 ID: de798b

Hmmm, don't you think that sounds a little bit too cold and dry when you're trying to talk to a woman in heat? Try to put some more teasing in there. Tell her that if she unties you, you'll make her feel better than any of the others could with their men.
No. 1090441 ID: eb0a9c

Tease her. Make her beg for your erection. Give her an extra taste every time she bends the knee.

As for recruiting her once she's too far gone and marked by her clan, we have a Gormoamhi in Venian's party now. So, they should get along. Maybe.
No. 1090460 ID: dd3fe0


See, I don't think the whole 'make her submit to us sexually over everything else' is the best play here. That just inverts the dominant/submissive social relationship in her mind. It doesn't *invalidate* it or *mock* it enough! If we want to invalidate it completely, we need to do more than JUST get her excited to break taboos in a fun way -- by the way, tease her about helping her break a LOT more taboos! -- we need to invalidate the entire structure as a whole. My view is we should overtly lean into 'switch' play; swapping who is dominant and submissive, who is taking the role as master and slave during sex, several times during this (no doubt extended) sexual session. Not just for positions, but what is said and allowed to be done and the roles. Make the whole concept of these things being unchangeable a bit of a farce.
No. 1090463 ID: dd3fe0

Mmmmm. How about this:

"Yea, breaking taboos is so fucking hot. Follow my lead tonight, and I can help you break all the taboos and not get caught. First, undo my binds, I promise to not try to escape, and if you follow me tonight, I will introduce you to the likes of pleasure the other women can only dream of."

Some taboos to break:

"Yea, on your first heat, you're going to beg a non-person to get you pregnant, and then we actually do it!"

"Let's make me a half-person and your claim-mate, except not really. To everyone else, that's what I'll be, but to us, we'll be that wonderful mystery that we discover tonight!"

"We could make you submissive, have you beg for my cock and cum, be a lowly female, turn the normal way these things go upside down. Yawn. Instead, let's make a joke of how those stuck up other Gormoamhi do things. Let's swap back and forth who's the bottom throughout the night instead! Lemme tie you up for a bit, give you an erotic spanking, then we fuck, then you tie me up and do the same!"
No. 1090467 ID: 031458

You want taboo, huh? How about this:
Release my bonds and lay down.
I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you!

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1087551 No. 1087551 ID: d256d1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Catch, breed, and battle turtles to become a true TURT MASTER! Set up your own turtle shop to become a world class TURTLE MONGER! Uncover the mysteries of this world to figure out why your society has built their entire economy around such SLOW, USELESS creatures!

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No. 1090295 ID: d256d1
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“The BARK FUNGUS is the main thing I need. It’s also the hardest to find, since it doesn’t grow in large chunks. You can leave that stuff to me, though. You just focus on the rest of the stuff on the list.
You can find BLOOMS just about everywhere.
I marked a good spot to find MUSHROOMS on your MAP—but there are a few poison TURTS that live in that area too, so be careful.
BERRIES grow near the river bed."

Alia stresses that she needs to finish the recipe she’s working on tomorrow morning, so she’d like to have all the ingredients ready tonight. She’s marked her CAMP on the MAP she gave you. You can go there whenever you want to rest for the night, even if you don’t have everything on the list—but the more you do have, the happier she’ll be.
Are you ready to begin foraging? Or do you have questions for Alia before you leave?
No. 1090298 ID: 361537

Besides night and poison turts, any other turtle threats we should be aware of?


Wanna see our Rock Turt? Any tips on how our rock turt can help out on the scavenger hunt?
No. 1090299 ID: 5ebd37

Heading to the mushroom patch, then going north along the river should let you get all the ingredients and end on the campsite.

Is rock strong against poison?
No. 1090313 ID: 2f41db


What shes making?
Will she make sure lil balboa gets a good loving home if i die out there?
Does she have a cool turt of her own?

Then boldly head out into the dark.
Dont let anyone see your fear.
Except lil balboa.
He knows your heart anyway.

Head for the river.
Maybe the poison turts will be asleep the later you leave it.
No. 1090418 ID: 7cbed7

I think ROCK doesn't resits poison outright, but some ROCK TURTS with the TIGHT SHELL are immune to getting poisoned. That's what my friend told me, anyway, and I have no clue if that applies to Li'l Balboa.

We've seen some of the mushrooms before, I think, so we know those, and don't have to be afraid. But as a first step towards TURT MASTERY, it's probably a good idea to ask how you can work with Li'l Balboa, and make sure that you know how to train our new TURT without courting undue danger.

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1074204 No. 1074204 ID: 0b594e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Rumors abound of the city.
They say it just appeared one day.
They say no one has ever seen its top.
They say it is a place of mystic secrets and wild pleasures.

But before we can get to that...
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No. 1090346 ID: 5ebd37
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>the shield, is it like a trampoline or something?

Murdoc: "Yeah he just bounced right off. Reassuring actually, I don't want to think about what would happen if one of the portals were to fail."

>how close to the ground is the portal down there?

Murdoc: "It's flush with the ground, recessed about a foot down even. Everything that was above it was dropped in when it opened, and we piled it up on Jormun. So far no animals have been stupid enough to fall in, though they don't seem to fear getting near it either."

>How are we going to handle water supplies?

Murdoc: "Uh, supplies isn't my strong suit, I know hunting and scouting more. Thinking about how to get water from that stream to Jormun makes my head hurt. But this forest seems like it gets a lot of rainfall, and there's gray clouds drawing near. I'd say some simple collectors will suffice for now."

> Sand, sand, sand, sand, rock/sand, rock

Murdoc: "Hmm, I'm having second thoughts about the rock, hard to build on. The sand obviously will have ambushers, but overall seems better. And plenty of space too."
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No. 1090347 ID: 273c18

Quickly inform those present, then chase after The Fool so you can point him towards the landing site.
No. 1090360 ID: 2f41db

You have to admire their enthusiasm.

Well, best get down there.
No. 1090368 ID: 210aa5

Aim towards the edge of the sand. Soft landing, but you have a better chance to scurry away from anything buried beneath.
No. 1090370 ID: 8f9bc4

dammit Leeroy...

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1011088 No. 1011088 ID: 8483cf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

//Clothing Repair\\
NSFW 18+ Warning: This quest includes nudity and mild elements of non-con (clothing damage). Reader discretion advised.

Adventuring has never been safer! Healing spells and trinkets of mage armor are cheap, powerful and plentiful. Unfortunately, spells that protect clothing are still very, very expensive, and it didn’t take long for monsters to figure out new ways to drive off adventurers.

As a newly minted journeyman seamstress just opening up her own shop, you must propose clothes that fit your adventurer’s skills, protect them against dangers, fit their budget, flatter their sense of style, and protect their modesty. Public nudity is highly illegal!
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No. 1090331 ID: 92c262

1, Have fun! There'll be plenty of sensible business decisions to make later, tonight you should just go and enjoy yourself.
No. 1090334 ID: eb0a9c

2) Bad Saorise! That way lies Decadence, not Legacy!
You'll end up screwing your mind so badly that no amount of wealth will heal the madness festering in your mind! That madness is what powers everything wrong with all of civilization!
Well, that and starvation.
You were really lucky just now! Don't push it.
No. 1090340 ID: 4c750c


Seconding this! Maybe jokingly ask if it’s he’s still trying to get clothes from you, via strip poker~ NOTE: This action could be a Flirt, and therefore suggting said action is retracted if you are not wanting to do a Flirt with Duran
No. 1090345 ID: 5ebd37

1) if its not your own money at risk, or just to hang out.
No. 1090361 ID: 2f41db

3. Other.

Offer to turn the dice game into a drinking game.
If you win on your rolls, the other players have to take a shot.
If you lose, you have to take two.

Keep the fun going and the excitement of the dice rolling but turn the stakes into something everyone enjoys.

Until the hangover.
Or the inevitable drunken switch to strip craps.

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1038059 No. 1038059 ID: 629f2e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A mystery/horror quest about children uncovering the horrifying mysteries surrounding their small town.

THREAD 1: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1010078.html
THREAD 2: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/1019132.html
THREAD 3B: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1038066.html
WIKI: https://questden.org/wiki/Perpetuity


And again, you see it all play out, reliving the mistakes exactly as you’d made them on that day. The performance of a tragedy...
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No. 1090268 ID: 382635

I think Clive should gesture for Albert to say something, and to go watch the stairs or listen to the stairs, preferably with a flashlight to go calm his nerves, leave the actual questions to someone else since he's kind of going a little too hard and also *scared af that they were heard*
No. 1090269 ID: 6f5b5c

I doubt he'd be willing to tell us what's here, or in the other places we were planning on searching- that and so many other things, might be *interesting* to see how he reacts to hearing, but I doubt it would give us much to work with.

So instead, I think I'll go for the social engineering angle again- but I don't know if the way I'd go about it meshes well with Clive right now, but... it's worth putting the idea there.

"The one thing we-"
"...that you all can agree on is that we should keep Enid safe. But taking her away from here like you were going to doesn't solve the core problem. We need answers. Answers that Adults can't, or won't give us. Why do you think we came here? Did you think this is the only place we'd search?"

(Bitterly;) "...Why does graduation have to be this way?"

This also potentially makes for a good, pre-readied "after" action.

I'd like to say that I have a fair deal of faith in him. He already knows the situation he's in- far better than any of us do. And yet he still came to try and... rescue? Enid- he even showed some visible hesitation in knocking Clive out.

I think it should be put to a vote whether we tell him that Sheppard's already seen and identified Enid- because ultimately, "If you're here to help Enid, we have to do something about Sheppard."
No. 1090277 ID: c5529d

It's okay, you're doing good, Clive. Before you continue, grab your plush toy close, and tight. it'll keep you comforted as you talk to him... It might even win you some brownie points with the toy guy too to see you using one of his toys.

I too also agree that he won't tell us about anything direct like graduation or Albert's father, and it might make him too nervous to answer us and try to leave with Enid again.

As it was said, talking about things related to Enid will keep him from becoming too antsy, so she and her father should be the focus, because he was a real good friend of her father, enough to rescue her instead of ratting her out. One of the best ways to keep him from ratting us out, and maybe be a little more willing to help us a little is to talk about things that relate to both Clive and Snyder.

Remember earlier from the first post:

>It was a miracle that you continued to live here, a kindness you hadn’t expected but deeply appreciated from Mr. Anderson. By all accounts, you should be mourning the death of a good man, but you’re too self-centered for that.

It's probably about time to start mourning him now. both Snyder and Clive was also never bothered by Fred to pay his dues, but if there's something the two can relate to, he might be more sympathetic to us. And while Clive doesn't know about how Snyder being in the same poverty situation as Clive, Snyder at least hearing about how his friend Fred was protecting Clive to would make him more openhearted to us.

first, ask Snyder this: "Fred is against the whole system on how this town is run, like graduation, and not just on Enid, isn't he?"

If Mr. Anderson is totally against graduation not just for Enid, but everyone, it might remind Snyder what Anderson truly stands for and make him more willing to take a stand against
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No. 1090284 ID: b3eab7

We must all move. Together, and now. Owner included. Find a quieter area before resuming the chat.
No. 1090304 ID: 258134

This sounds like a very good question, and I also want to add the obvious "What happened here? What killed everyone?"

We should indeed tell everyone we've probably alerted Shepard and we should talk elsewhere, but I'm not sure whether before or after asking those questions.

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1034777 No. 1034777 ID: 8483cf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Attention, duelists! It’s time for a massively multiversal Questden card tournament!

The quest will follow the duelists of Group A in their quest to win the grand prize: their heart’s deepest desire, to be granted by the host of the tournament.

Group A’s Duelists
Name, Author, Quest Title, Wiki Link)
- Lady Serah Kensington, Donut, Lazy Fairy, https://questden.org/wiki/Lazy_Fairy
- Enid Anderson and Franklin, Himitsu, Perpetuity, https://questden.org/wiki/Perpetuity
- The Mystery Duelist, Clockwork Seal, ???, https://questden.org/wiki/ClockworkSeal
- Carl Marks, tippler, Good Impression/Girl Talk/STAY INSIDE https://questden.org/wiki/Good_Impression

- Companionship (and Attendants), Donut, Mosaic, https://questden.org/wiki/Mosaic

Many thanks in advance to all the guest artists providing card art and depictions of duelists!
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No. 1089967 ID: 4c750c

I’m gonna go with A and 2, as much as I would love another Crate of Greed appearance
No. 1090029 ID: 5ebd37

A, 1
No. 1090035 ID: fc100b


The D stands for Draw
No. 1090039 ID: 91b2f0

D 2
Still Rooting for Franklin and Enid, but they also Have to earn their victory
No. 1090280 ID: c5529d

>Another message pops up from the same user, but he doesn’t read it. Instead, he pockets the phone, ignoring it to pat Enid on the shoulder.

Franklin might want to read that btw. could give them a pretty big hint on how to win.

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1050662 No. 1050662 ID: 9b127b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Chinzebeth VII is a NSFW clothing damage quest featuring YCH cameos check Discussion for more info

This is the story of Queen Chinzebeth the seventh
The year is x3146 the most dramatic point of her long reign.
it is summer on the Continental platform Ilax hovering over the planet Beta-Earatone
Durring a routine ceremony peace was shattered (Part 1)

Invasion has begun. The Royal guard have failed to contain the situation and the Queen is in danger.
Corporal Grimothy and his hardened commando team have been called into action has been called into action to end this conflict but are they enough?
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No. 1086559 ID: a7a180

Konda: Staunch the bleeding!
No. 1086608 ID: 7c55ad

I will repeat my previous suggestion
Corrathyn: head towards the hall of relics. we can no longer take the catacombs' secret escape as it is likely lord Lung is waiting over there.

Carlene will follow later
No. 1090260 ID: 0d1c28
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Rhonda breaks free!

Rhonda: "I will never be held back!"

Konda takes a shot but misses

Rodrick: "way too slow!"

Konda: "I'm out matched here!"

Konda retreats, Corrathyn retreats, Carlene retreats

Round Two

Enemies and allies will take turns acting
Select a single character to act and explain what they do

-CT01 Grimothy
-CT02 Konda
-PH01 Corrathyn
-PS01 Carlene

No. 1090263 ID: a7a180

Grimothy: Pull back. The escape route's a bust. We need to break out of this compound with a daring pre-emptive strike on the enemy position!
No. 1090266 ID: 92c262

Grimothy: Maintain your grapple and use your beak to rip off Rhonda's top. If Rodrick swings into her trying to attack you, then that may just finish her off.

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1084876 No. 1084876 ID: 0d1c28 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Quest will contain violence and possibly nudity

This quest is themed as schlock slasher film featuring OWO characters.
as a movie no character deaths will be permanent nor effect other OWO projects

All suggestions should have 2 parts
1)name characters and what they should do (E.G. Trisha should go to the vending machine for a Soda)
2)Name some event that happens (E.G. thunder strikes and she drops her change in a drain)

Quest objectives:
Brett wants to be a spirit of vengeance
Trisha wants their sponsor "Chickadee Red Soda" to get their money's worth
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No. 1090159 ID: 0d1c28
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Trisha: "is this about the missing people? we heard the news... Where are our friends?

Frank: "Follow me I'll explain on the way."

Brett: "I think we should do as he says"

Trisha and Brett follow Frank along the path to the cabin.

Frank: "Your friends are mostly there already, all cept for those two sight seers kids, but I'll find them soon enough and when I do I'll tell the whole lot of ya about the truth to that news story..."


Kevin and Tina are in the woods

Tina: "Wow look at the size of that raven!"

Kevin: "-And it's just gotten a fresh kill! this shot'll be perfect for the college bulletin!"
No. 1090160 ID: baa23d

Dang! All thumbs on the camera after looking at the picture... and it just flew away! Maybe we can find it again and hey... maybe it goes back to what it was feasting on? That would be a great shot of it eating right from the corpse.
No. 1090162 ID: c5529d

After taking the picture, the flash of the camera scares away the Raven as it caws very loudly. Maybe to alert it's friends? or... something else...

The Polaroid is being developed, so they won't be able to look at the picture right away until it fades in. So they decide to head towards the lake, or maybe towards the direction where the raven flew away to as they wait since they figured the Raven's caw scared the other birds away, and they talk exposition
No. 1090165 ID: 5ebd37

but of course when they look at the picture, that's odd, hey it almost looks like some kind of shadowy figure in the background.
No. 1090173 ID: 2f41db


Oh yes.
This could work.
Exposition as they walk.
A little banter.
All the while one is holding the polaroid prints, and waiting for ut to develop.

The picture fades in and its good, but then that shadowy figure illuminated by the flash comes into view.
Odd. Just a creepy shadow though, right.
Play of the light.

...but as the next photo develops its there, more clear and... closer?
Again on the next.
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