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1087619 No. 1087619 ID: 6290ec hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

If we open our minds to the existence of other universes, there's no limit to the possibilities that we could experience in the world of boning.
489 posts and 54 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1090872 ID: aa0c8a

Shakedown a button, somehow. Primary E, secondary A
No. 1090874 ID: 273c18

D, c
No. 1090876 ID: 861ceb

work together using the power of friendship to wake up new friend.
No. 1090877 ID: b67223

E,a and shout "WAKE UP!"
No. 1090880 ID: 365de0

Tap on the glass. Smush your face against it to see inside.

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1082765 No. 1082765 ID: dc13c4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Previous chapter


Discussion Thread

223 posts and 43 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1090776 ID: e5114d

Perhaps have archer test the waters. He's human so maybe he can warm them up for us. We'll speak if they're less hostile.
No. 1090783 ID: 714fab

Talk with the elder, his daughter, the kids. Ask people who actually live in the village what the people there would want from a partnership.
No. 1090787 ID: 27fceb

Yeah, it would be for the best if he starts as the opening statement before we attempt to talk with them all once again.
No. 1090796 ID: c5529d

I agree with this. We can probably ask the chief and what the villagers want from our partnership while Archer warms up the crowd for us.

And, uh... when we are ready to go back out, I think we should have Abdle do the speech instead of Bobbie so her racism against humans don't bleed through her speech, yeah? Bobbie can use a break after all.
No. 1090879 ID: 20a211
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Go and talk to the crowd.

B) Let him finish.

C) Tell the village elder to finish.

D) Other suggestions.

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1089578 No. 1089578 ID: 521475 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Despite some of you being complete strangers, you've all been seated together at a restaurant in Nexus, due to the law against dining alone after sundown. Some guy tried to sell you a memory crystal containing a treasure map.
A pretty lady at another table (who turned out to be dragon-blooded) bought him a drink (which turned out to contain yozi venom) and then, while he was dying, grabbed the crystal and ran off. Might want to be out of town before her employer realizes that one of you actually managed to boot it up first, and got a pretty good look at the map.
Site's over a thousand miles away, but most of that would be river travel, and there's an underground manse, so it should be easy enough to zero in on with geomantic surveying tools even if the map, or your memory or navigational skills, end up a few miles off-target.
If somebody's willing to pay for yozi venom (which is not cheap!) to cover it up, gotta be something seriously valuable out there.

Destination is ~800 mi southeast of Nexus as the crow flies, and half that far north-northeast of the ruins of Denandsor, right in the middle of rocky uplands between the headwaters of the Rolling River and a minor tributary of the Grey River.
So, you could take a more direct route up the Grey, but then face a longer trek overland,
or start by going up the Yellow past Great Forks and then turn south along the Rolling.
Or try something more complicated, to take advantage of esoteric travel options and/or throw off potential pursuit.

Houserule hub: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10VAUEYEqWYWcQ9gz4bk9uok8OkAIYl1cy50KEw2y75o
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No. 1090771 ID: 231662

(The two barrels of water with food stacked on top sounds perfect. Cold will do that)
No. 1090773 ID: e5fb2d

"I mostly grew up bouncing around The House of High Waves." He then stops for a moment, before adopting a very sheepish expression. "Not as an employee you understand..."


"I was sent to the Imperial City for schooling soon after, but that isn't really connected to your question now, is it? So I won't bore you with those details." Even though his eyes clearly want to! He isn't remotely trying to hide that!

They must be pleasant memories.
No. 1090831 ID: 91d957

He swaps back into RiverSpeak as he gestures to the others

"Well, if thry have already welcomed you, I see no reason for me not to do the same. We discuss about your upbringing once we arrive & camp has been set up."
No. 1090835 ID: cfc7cc

>The Burning Champion — 05/11/2024 6:17 PM
>As for what I am carrying, about as much food and water as I can carry, and a fancy compass with all 5 elemental poles marked on it that she stole off a ship on her journey eastward from the Ocean
No. 1090878 ID: cfc7cc

rolled 6, 4, 6, 1, 10, 9, 1, 10, 10, 10, 4, 8, 6, 5, 10, 5, 8, 10, 1, 4, 8, 8, 8, 10, 10, 6, 7, 1, 4, 1, 3, 9, 6, 6, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 2, 9, 3, 6, 6, 7, 8, 6, 9, 2, 2 = 292

Three young men with buff jackets, tetsubos, and hostile intent are loitering in or near Fleegman's apartment. Roll for Stealth and Awareness to see who spots who first.
Short of flight, teleportation, or demolishing walls, there are two ways in or out of the apartment: the building's interior stairs and hallways, which are dark and cramped, involving a lot of locked doors and blind corners... or the rear fire escape, skeletal catwalks of iron-hard black resin resembling ladders or thornbushes more than stairs, dangling over an alley knee-deep with oily stagnant water, and leading to a window which definitely isn't meant to be opened from the outside, but at least there's moonlight. How are you approaching?

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1084176 No. 1084176 ID: 0d1c28 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This is a NSFW clothing damage adventure!
the quest will contain nudity and violence and possibly some sexual content
Lewd suggestions are encouraged but not required.

celebrate your future, celebrate your doom and prolong your final moments

This quest is funded by Patreon,
if you'd like to see more consider sending a few coins!

Previous Threads

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No. 1090842 ID: eb0a9c

Lick Laret
No. 1090843 ID: 92c262

A, if you can incapacitate Laret, the others may be able to help you deal with the source of that noise. If you don't, she may woeld her control to fight against the others on the singer's command.
No. 1090847 ID: 41cc0d

Put the pumpkin back. Why did you do that?
No. 1090850 ID: c5529d

A or B. I cant decide. On one hand, we might need the info. On the other hand, we might anger the hydra by continuing this singing, resulting in them hurting Laret.
No. 1090875 ID: 322af8

C first. The others can tell him what she is singing. Then he should keep looking for what could be causing this.

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1083314 No. 1083314 ID: 9ea24b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Previous thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1077945.html
Short VN game in this setting: https://tippler.itch.io/march-time
Discussion: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/135483.html

Gore and violence warning. No onscreen sex. No chance based events.
342 posts and 114 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1090764 ID: 53560f

Killing someone makes most people upset. When you’re taking over a town, you want to make sure the citizens don’t completely hate you. That just leads to problems down the line that can’t easily be fixed, so it’s worth it to try being nice even if it doesn’t work at first.
Who’s going to be in charge of the town of Pliny once the lord is gone? I’d like to suggest myself if you haven’t got the position filled already.
No. 1090785 ID: df60a9

George is really an argument for violence, not against it, since it was trust and peaceful negotiation that placed us in a bad spot. Won't do much to sway Jam.

Lord Vorad is an intelligent and reasonable man. He also seems unusually tolerant of spirits compared to most of Geoun's nobility, as he did not attempt to have you exterminated.

"Death makes the lord a martyr. It would serve as fuel for Geoun's anti-spirit propaganda machine, and their citizens would gladly join the army to exterminate us. The church is powerful, but there are those who question its doctrine. If a war spirit were to be seen negotiating and allowing surrender, that information could be used to sow doubt among the free-minded. Vishelt is consolidating its power now, but is its ambition against Geoun sated? We should engender sympathizers now. Let them see that Vishelt's way can be a better way to live, and you will have your own agents gestating inside of the future enemy, Jam."

When we negotiate with Vorad, we should explain to him that you hold no ill will towards him.
Under his rule, both a new invasion by Vishelt and from the inquisitions of Geoun were a danger to you and your citizens.
The only way to ensure the safety of you and your citizens was to alter the course through a treaty with Vishelt.
If the Lord can be made to view you as a shrewd leader, he may see you more like a peer and respect your offer of surrender. More importantly, it is a good image for the citizens to see.

The Lord should be guaranteed safe passage out of Vishelt territory for himself and his sold
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No. 1090848 ID: 9ea24b
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Now is the perfect opportunity to teach Jam about delayed gratification and the mortal psyche. I tap him on the cheek with my snout.

“Jam, if we kill Vorad in front of his followers, that will not inspire confidence in our ability to govern Pliny afterwards. Wouldn’t you like to rule Pliny?”


“Well there you are then. We can offer the lord and his servants safe passage back to the kingdom in exchange for his official abdication. You can tell him what you would do to him if he doesn’t agree to frighten him into compliance.”

“I would peck out his eyes. Then I would eat his kidneys.”

“That’s right, Jam. You are doing a good job.”

I am pleased that Jam is the peak of rationality. I look to Yonnie for approval and he nods.

“I’ll draft it in writing. When we’re ready I’ll bring a small force with us.”
No. 1090849 ID: 9ea24b
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Jam and I stay and watch while Yonnie scratches a message in ink with a broken feather quill. The orc makes quite a few mistakes and mumbles to himself while scratching out the words for corrections. Jam shows me my gold coins, which he keeps under his tongue.

“What is the commander like?” I ask Jam, as we walk toward the west wall with Yonnie and a handful of soldiers. A few kobolds are cutting wheat with small knives and yell to each other in alarm. I call to them that this is a diplomatic mission and there is nothing to worry about.

Jam thinks about my question for some time. “He preferred Icher.”

I do not have long to ponder this before the lord emerges with his entourage, and Erogalf. Vorad frowns deeply when he sees me.

Yonnie approaches the lord and they begin the negotiation. It does not seem Vorad respects the young mage, and brings up the various horrid crimes the army has committed, leaving Yonnie stammering and apologetic. Jam begins edging towards Erogalf.
No. 1090873 ID: ded463

"When a mortal acts as your agent, their hands are like your own hands. So it was really you who was handling me all along when you commanded Erogalf to help."

Request Jam bring you closer to the negotiations, so that you may speak to Vorad.

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1089327 No. 1089327 ID: 681cb5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


These are the voyages of the starship The Shed Scale. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly come where no one has come before!

It’s a small thrust for you… but a huge plunge for Sakkilian kind!

Wiki and previous threads: https://questden.org/wiki/Starlight_Afterglow
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No. 1090788 ID: 19ea25

You can never trust a pilot.. Even if you've already trusted Eki... and gave her a suit of power armor... And basically want to give her the good old xenos go.

Anyways. This might be a good lead, and if not we can always deal with more potential issues down the line. I'd say see where this might go.
No. 1090790 ID: 273c18

Aren't these guys con artists? You can potentially come to an arrangement but they're not all getting let go BEFORE you confirm the intel is correct.
No. 1090815 ID: 2a82d3

Trust your instincts on this one. Think about what he gets out of this, as this is prime blackmail material. Even if the rest of the deal is on the up and up, they can still either leverage it against you to do what they want or make harder for you to cozy up to more legitimate authorities.

Deal's not even that great. The location, you can get by interrogating the crew. The password would be a nice bonus, but you're not above mounting rescue operations without it. He's going to have to try harder than that to save his shell.

For one, swearing an oath to, for all you know, an infamously greedy arsehole doesn't mean much. If that oath to Keki's old Lord, a "loser" to many but respectable to a known few, that could be interesting to watch. His reaction could tell you all you need to know.

Here's a counter-offer: Provide leniency to his crew, presumably merely following orders, but be effectively disbanded. The captain is the one you can't afford to spare. You don't get promoted to running a group of greedy arseholes without being really into the greedy part. (Hence sideeye into what he gets out of it.) His (being made) example should be enough to spare the rest. I'm sure any of his crew within earshot would appreciate the gesture. The rest can find either honest work, or maybe find a new banner to rally behind.
No. 1090830 ID: 5ebd37

We already got a pirate on crew, who gave us the location and codes to the black market. And he might tell his friends not to attack us, but that doesn't mean they'll listen. He's got nothing, and we can't reform all the pirates we meet.
No. 1090861 ID: 47ab62

It would make more sense to let him leave after going to the market and confirming his info is good. Wouldn't do to get a false password on false lead and let him laugh about conning you as he flies far far away.

That said, I get the feeling that letting them go would just see them go back to taking slaves and living in a way that hurts everyone. There needs to be a better solution.

Hmm. This might have promise.

How about this: If that captain's info is good, his crewmates will be permitted to either join your ship's crew, or be let off at the next planetary colony you stop at. The captain will remain in the brig until such a time that you determine what would be best to do with him, be it to treat him the same as his crewmates or to turn him over to those that would execute him for his crimes.

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1090792 No. 1090792 ID: 435f13 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A warmup quest in 10 updates or less.
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No. 1090840 ID: eb0a9c

Check on your inheritance. If it's a wallet of moths, you may need to panic.
No. 1090844 ID: 729c4a

This is child’s play.

Kidnap-woo a RICH princess, then return her only on condition of betrothal and a bride’s prize. Kingdom gets a dragon on the family roster, you get a free hoard and a princess-mate to keep.

1-2-3 you’re done! With no possible downsides or long-term complications!
No. 1090852 ID: 92c262


We gotta aim high. We *can* have a princess mate.
No. 1090853 ID: 4c750c

Princess kidnappjng tip: Make sure there are no pesky plumbers nearby! You have no clue how irritating they can be once they start moving in your direction.
No. 1090855 ID: f2320a


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1069187 No. 1069187 ID: b15e1f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Written by Naocat.

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No. 1090652 ID: 17abec
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Jubilee pours the mimosas and the waters, but most importantly, plates the charcuterie. She brings the good stuff to the fifth lane table and sits down, ready to get to business. Zenith holds his mimosa up to Jubilee. “Cheers. We’ve got a lick of information from interrogating the guy, but we don’t quite have any leads.”

“Hm. Sounds rough. Oh, and the Madam wants to talk to you when you have time. Didn’t say what for.”

“Oh my, She’s quite the lady to have called on us! Are you sure we're in her strike zone?” Zenith jabs. Jubilee responds with a playful smack to the back of his head.

“Very funny, Zee. She’s looking for your services, not to be serviced. How about you, Coop? You down?”

Cooper is in pre-charcuterie bliss, taking in the rich, smoky smell of the salami and the spicy, tingly scent of the chorizo. It’s not quite as good when it isn’t fresh, but they really don’t mind. The part they like best is how it was lovingly put together by their beloved Jubilee. They stack a salami piece, a cracker, and brie, then happily munch it down. The opossum smiles and pets their head, they beam with intense happiness. “Check it, Harvey’s about to throw.”
No. 1090658 ID: 5ebd37

Call encouragement in a way that definitely won't mess him up at the last second.
No. 1090845 ID: 17abec
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Harvey picks the heaviest bowling ball and hefts it like he was about to throw a baseball. He flexes and winds up like he’s putting everything he has into the shot.

>Call encouragement in a way that definitely won't mess him up at the last second.

“Hey don’t break the lanes now big guy!” Jubilee shouts before he can throw his ball. It has no effect. He’s too focused.

He throws the ball at a breakneck pace with no curve, taking out all of the pins with a bang like a gunshot. The ball returns with shards of wooden pin splintering the resin casing.
No. 1090846 ID: c5529d

Oh man, has he ever considered going professional? Anyways, the game is probably over now since the pins are pretty much shattered. Good game!
No. 1090851 ID: 714fab

Compliment his ability to stay in control, but I think the game's over.
So where do we go from here? He knows what the mask is for, enough to have a serious talk with his wife. Or does he want to go further, find out who the mask was meant for.

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1070829 No. 1070829 ID: 0fbdcd hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

The sequel to Decompressed: Nuke Ops. If you never read it, or just want a refresher, check it out here: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/981565.html

As before, I am not the artist or writer of this quest; I'm only archiving it from another medium and relaying commands from Questden to the artist.

All art and story credit go to Nine Hyperzine Tripping Engineers.

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No. 1090071 ID: 0fbdcd
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>:Grit: :Savvy:: Report to Engineering and simply ask to see their bird because you've been having a hard day.

Alright then. Back to work, and cutting through the crap this time. Don't even have to go far, just wait a while, then get back to the engine gang. One way or another, Engineering does most of its work at the start and end of a shift. Whether that's the scheduled end or the unscheduled end, that rule is pretty unbreakable.

:Savvy:: Alright, you got the memories loaded up?
:Dirt:: Sure do, boss.
:Savvy:: Alright. :Moxie:, set to earnest yearning?
:Moxie:: Earnestness is looking solid and genuine!
:Savvy:: :Grit:? This enough for you?
:Grit:: Yes.

:Friz:: Hey! You're all back now. Was the line okay?
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No. 1090072 ID: 0fbdcd
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>:Savvy:: Activate your detective vision and focus it on the concept of cute birds

:Savvy:: Starting the thought reaction. Hold her steady.
:Dirt:: It's all fine, boss.
:Moxie:: Decent motivation off of that collision.
:Grit:: Bring it towards the goal.

You've got that posture, kid, when you're putting things together and making connections. Usually a lot more stressed, though. Guess whatever you're doing is good enough to keep you positive, talkative. Doesn't matter who you're dealing with, some of that can get infectious.

You talk it out. Some stories about old birds, plenty of questions about this one.

No. 1090073 ID: 0fbdcd
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Doesn't take you long to get ahold of the bird. Seems like you even lost track of the goal. Or put it out of your head. Easier to solve some problems that way. A man doesn't get up every day to work, he gets up for a good meal. The work, that comes later.

:Poly1:: Good morning, Debtors. The current time is!
:Poly1:: Check the ansibite core!
:Poly1: caws loudly!
:Poly1:: <I'm making the same sounds you do! Even though they're weird!>
:Poly1:: Who took all the space gear?
:Poly1:: <Remember to let me be part of the flock! Remember to let me have a share of the food!>
:Friz:: <Oh! You're so wonderful, don't worry, your social bonds with the flock are so strong!>
:Poly1:: Give me your credit card number !
:Friz:: <Okay, well, don't imitate that sound.>

:Mechanic:: What's that? That thing you're doing with your mouth and your arms?
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No. 1090092 ID: 273c18

Well, tell the story. Context is important here, they asked for it so if they don't like it they'll blame themselves instead of you.
No. 1090838 ID: 1a5639

Getting Tired Of Accident Attorney? 10 Inspirational Sources To
Rekindle Your Love fatal accidents attorney (jut.su)

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1087613 No. 1087613 ID: 46e818 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Our work is done.
The raider's camp is broken.

Finesse, Tislomer, Ashedel and I traveled again to the villages of the Timore Woodlands, bringing with us the abducted children we recovered from their captivity.

Finesse's old village, Ihnesh-Nayevh, was presentable, but still recovering from the previous chaos. With their stolen children reunited, and the blessings of the Seer reaffirmed in symbol, they pledged themselves without hesitation to our cause.

Still, we chose to give them the time and distance to recover themselves, and I vowed to send an emissary in the coming days to establish a more foundational agreement.
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No. 1090798 ID: b85b90

Is this run by the original Weaver from /tg/? I'm a tourist, sorry for the ignorance.

If so, I wanted to drop a line that Ruby and Tom from Rubyquest were nominated for /qst/'s King and Queen of /qst/ contest. Ruby lost out in the highly competitive qualification round, but Tom made it through qualifiers and is about to compete in the official King Contest as soon as that gets posted (complete with commissioned art from one of our drawfags).

It's been a long time since you ran on 4chan, but the questing community there still has a lot of respect and admiration for you, and new quests visibly inspired by Rubyquest still pop up fairly often. Thanks for everything.
No. 1090802 ID: ce619a

>As in, did he dig it up from a local area, or did he come into possession of this relic during an expedition, a journey or a conquest?

The Czar never had it. He wanted to kill us for it. We found it in Redfang's possession, who was probably randomly worshiping it like all the other gods.
No. 1090812 ID: c8fb89

New plan. Become a god. Dragons are attracted to power, and gods are powerful, ergo a dragon would be attracted to a god.
No. 1090833 ID: 5c1847

>Discussion board
No. 1090834 ID: 5c1847

Gotta take into account that she may be older than anyone in the village (Or the village itself).

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1087342 No. 1087342 ID: 15a025 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Another experimental one shot.

*Art style may change at a moments notice or even with in the same update.
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No. 1090824 ID: 2f41db

The anger were feeling towards snootmask is justified.
Their victim isnt a patient.
Theyre being dispensed to the harvesters one bit at a time.

My initial instinct is to suggest that you:
Knock the doc out.
Tie them to a chair facing the door to the outside.
Rescue the victim.
Have them help start to recover the wood and cart.
Break the hinges of the front door with the axe sufficiently that the door hangs open.
Finish cart recovery and hustle back home.

Doc snootmask had someone trapped, without hope and knowing things were coming to feed on her.
Its only fair she experiences it too.

On a more practical side, when the harvesters turn up, theyll want their meal.
If left alone and secure doc will point them after you and ring the dinner bell.
No. 1090825 ID: dd3fe0

Also, the patient will slow you down, and be a liability and someone you have to protect in your inevitable violent confrontation with this harvester gang. Besides, when you deal with them (because no one else around here seems competent, ugh), that removes the whole 'I must appease these criminals by doing crimes of my own rather than anything actually reasonable!' dynamic the quack has going on with their victim. Ugh. Aren't you supposed to live in a country with LAWS? And people with a monopoly on force to enforce them?!
No. 1090827 ID: eb0a9c

Tie her up, let her 'patient' keep watch on her.
Hunker down here for the night. Wait out the rest of the night.

Later, since all this was the property of a mass-murdering quack anyway, you can sell it all on dbay and take a vacation!
No. 1090828 ID: 273c18

I like the way you think. Leaving the fake doctor behind as a "meal" should allow us to shelter for the night elsewhere and avoid retaliation. Is there any rope anywhere though? If not, straight up killing the quack is what we'll have to settle for.
We can carry the patient in the wheelbarrow with whatever wood is left.
No. 1090832 ID: 7c1f1c

I don't think that killing the quack is necessary. Just knock the quack out and leave the unconscious body on the floor with its lumps. Take the wood, take the prisoner, and wheel them back home. If the harvesters show up there, they can answer to George. Either he shoots them, or they eat him and leave with full stomachs, and either way we come out ahead.

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1071850 No. 1071850 ID: ed041d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Clark IV, a world under fire.

The Interstellar Transit Authority currently holds the planet under martial law. The planet has seen a turbulent past century, guerilla fighters have been holding it hard and there has been no progress in taking hold.

Mercenary companies have been brought in to step in as a force multiplier, but they are beholden to no one but whoever pays the most.

Corporate entities have also begun to set their eyes on the planet below.

It is hell.
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No. 1090412 ID: 8f9bc4

Well you—oh.

No. 1090803 ID: ed041d
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:PilotIconF: Keep watch over the monitor, I have to do an internal inspection of the Juggernaut. Can you handle that?

:GuardIcon: Y-Yes! Yes I can do that no problem!

Alright, he's in your palms, anything else you want to do or do you want to get in now?
No. 1090809 ID: 8f9bc4

Nope, more time spent means more can go wrong. Book it. Time to go uh, "test" their systems.
No. 1090810 ID: 5ebd37

Got to speed run this before he figures it out.
No. 1090826 ID: eb0a9c

Walk briskly, and use careful movements, but also rush said movements. If you sprint, he'll realize you're bluffing, but as long as you look like a disgruntled inspector who just had some grunt wave a gun in her face and wants to get this over with, you're good.

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1074913 No. 1074913 ID: 3ea497 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

An Asteroid Quest-inspired story, written by someone who never got around to reading the damn thing.

Content warning: contains crude language, crude drawings, off-color humor, inaccurate lore galore and is hosted on Questden, which is even worse.
80 posts and 39 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1090737 ID: b2fb15
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“Right, my turn,” The belenosian with the pipe says.

“Let me just shoot her already!” says the one with the gun.

“Naw, I can do better than just put a hole in her skull. ‘sides, I wanna test this baby out.”

Man, these guys are really cocky. They actually keep sending one guy at a time. And with a fricking lead pipe, of all things. Hurt and losing eyesight as you are, you still can believe they are that dumb.
No. 1090738 ID: b2fb15
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Curse this dastardly space future we live in.

I mean present.

What now?
No. 1090739 ID: 5ebd37

Being a neumono, this weapon is less of a threat to you than he might think. Just punt it right out of his hands. A little pain will be worth seeing the look on his face.
No. 1090745 ID: 80c73b

"Curse this dastardly space future we live in." Heheueuhehoohoo

Got anything that could tangle up the blades? Anything especially fibrous; any e.g. dead bodies with long hair around, or cables (structural or data) lying discarded? If not, I guess the main goal is to get control of the weapon, ideally without getting the cutty bits applied to us.
No. 1090822 ID: dd3fe0

Wow. This moron has forgotten several important facts. Namely:

-Circular saws are horrible melee weapons. They are made for cutting *wood*. They jam easily, they get dislodged easily, they require a slow press motion to saw things, most motors people use for making them run have inherent safety features that are designed to minimize injury, especially if cloth gets tangled in them, or something jams the belt, or etc. etc. Now, there ARE designs for robust circular saw weapons useful in melee fights (mostly in rules heavy robot vs robot sports which ban cloth armor), but this design, blatantly, is NOT one of those!

-You don't bring overly complex, gimmicky weapons to a real fight. They don't work well, they break easily, they're unwieldy as fuck.

-You ESPECIALLY don't bring poorly designed motorized fake melee 'weapons' to a fight with a NEUMONO! The correct way to fight a Neumono in melee if one MUST do so, is to bring a BUNCH of people with some sort of traditional, robust, HEFTY POLEARMS, and to attack the Neumono all at once!

Show them the error of their ways!

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978305 No. 978305 ID: 2bd15b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

chapter 1 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/757996.html
chapter 2 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/777113.html
Discussion thread https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/107070.htm
Chapter 4 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/929115.html
Draw thread, where you can ask me to draw certain things

wiki https://tgchan.org/wiki/Root_and_Branches
1260 posts and 342 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1090400 ID: 047965

I asked WHERE he is, not what his plans are. That you don’t know. But there is something you might know. What is the Smile of Essence? Did he make that too?
No. 1090621 ID: e4635f
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No. 1090636 ID: 286814

*Corax writes down that Essence told the contaminator that she died originally of a drug overdose but it contradicts what is known about her dying on the ash tree*

Inner thoughts to "Peregrine": I think something else doesn't add up with what you "believe" about Essence. You "believe" she was the first Ana, are vague on the details of how she died, and yet you knew to ask about her smile.

Why would she lie to you, Contaminator? We know she died on the Ash Tree, binding herself to it. So why lie about it unless there was something she was keeping from you? Did you know that she was the first Ana?

Inner thoughts to "Peregrine": And how did you know to ask about the smile? Unless... Did she really die then in the battle with Scarred and Fortune Ana? Or did your old friends The Silent Whisperers get her? And is that how you know she was the first Ana?
No. 1090722 ID: 853fdf
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No. 1090789 ID: 047965

*Corax blinks, then pulls out a tape recorder and hits record*

You are one of the Silent Whisperers, the one responsible for the death of DeRvan Glashrauder, could you state that again for the record?

You also claim that you are responsible for many other deaths on the lower levels of reality. I take it many of them may have been ruled as suicide or perhaps are people who acted so unlike their usual character that it led to their death?

I also take it you have acted out ploys to ensure the success of Happy the Tragedy Phantom using various methods at your disposal. Please state them clearly for the record.

Inner thoughts to “Peregine”: I need you to connect to our Empathic Bird and to Contaminator. If you have taken control of Peregrines body I need Contaminator to trap this thing in her. If this thing has worked for Happy then my assumption was correct and using her as bait worked, but now she needs to decide whether or or not she will fight against him. Get that message to her. Have the Empathic bird help you, if she can read emotions and perhaps even manipulate them, I need Contaminator to have courage and bravery.

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1084137 No. 1084137 ID: 1effd3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

From nothing, a new beginning.
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No. 1090753 ID: eb0a9c

It's still smoking. Interesting; it must have 'died' recently, but the exact criteria needed for reality to accept this chunk of matter is still beyond us.

Use your magic to clear any traps. You need to sprint through this place; there might still be survivors!
No. 1090755 ID: 031458

Seek the smoke.
Something is still burning, somehow.
Whatever it is will surely surprise us.
No. 1090757 ID: 5ebd37

What's that box next to the door? If it's a control panel then using static might shock it into unlocking.
No. 1090770 ID: 2f41db

This is a good find.
Theres life here despite the fire and ruin.
Fresh growth.

As you pass by the object dug into the ground just spare it a quick glance.
Im wondering whether its a mooring cable of some kind or something more complex.
If its hollow, could be an alternative entrance at the broken points.

The box on the wall seems a promising start though.
No. 1090775 ID: 7c0da2

There is no doors on the smaller domes, which means the tubes are probably how people entered. Of course, now you can also try climbing, but I don't recommend it.
The structure behind the main dome seems distinct from it, it reminds me of the ones we found on the toxic island yesterday, with lots of girders. From the look of it the domes could have been a greenhouse, and the other ruins may have been some kind of habitat, or maybe simply a place to study or process whatever was growing in the greenhouse.

Anyway, for now you should try the door. There is several all around the dome, so if this one doesn't open maybe another will. And be careful not to step on glass shards once you're inside.

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1076048 No. 1076048 ID: c4908b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

You go by Vex. You are an ARMS DEALER by trade and you've been at this for a couple of years now.

At the moment, you're having a smoke to try and calm down the adrenaline rush from almost (successfully) being SET UP.

R18. nsfw/gore/body horror potential. heavy themes including self harm may be explored (but not explicitly). Toxic Yuri Guaranteed.
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No. 1090730 ID: d1dff1
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She rolls her eyes, "I couldn't exactly rush it. If you weren't here, it would take me a few more years."

You lift your mug up, "Cheers to that." You eye each other, "So, you think the Bulls will take over after we're done?"

Eiko glares but sips her tea, staring into it for a moment, "Like hell. Over my dead body that I'll let those cunts even try it."

Your eyebrows almost fly off of your face. "Really? So you'll take over? If the Wolves disband they'll take advantage of that."

There's an awkward pause. It tells you all you need to know. She hasn't thought it through passed the point of killing Julien. Maybe she thought she'd have a few more years to think about it.

"I couldn't talk to Julien directly." She avoids your eyes as she changes the subject, "It looked like he was in a meeting, but I don't know with who."

You speak without missing a beat, "Could be anyone. Could be the Bulls."

She shakes her head, "He hates them as much as I do. When I tried asking, the other wolves said that he's been making deals."
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No. 1090731 ID: d1dff1
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No suspects come to mind except one.

You hope it's not her. She's usually too strict about consorting with criminals. That would also mean she's been camping here a while and that's not her usual style. Your Archangel likes to ambush you at a random inopportune time. Usually in a building. Usually where there's a bed.

Eiko sips more of her tea as you are momentarily lost in your drunken horny thoughts, "Tell me more about a world you've been to."

>A) DIM 2-67SS: World of Glass
>B) DIM 3-30XO: Kingdom of Nox
>C) DIM 3-30NS: The Necropolis
>D) DIM 4-50LR: Solar Circuit
>E) ______ (No DIM Tag Needed)
No. 1090732 ID: eb0a9c

Talk about the world where honking is a sacred musical art.
No. 1090740 ID: dd3fe0

Tell us about that world with the Magitech Tallships In Space, sailing the luminiferous aether!
No. 1090772 ID: 2f41db

Speak truth in what you share.
See if you can convey a bit of the beauty, wonder and terror of it all.
Because thats what it has to be, the sheer scale and potential of everything.

A world of glass sounds interesting.

Then the honking thing, whether its true or not.

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1073931 No. 1073931 ID: 706b74 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Adult content 18+

First thread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/860238.html
Wiki: https://tgchan.org/wiki/Moot_Point
Previous chapter: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1049539.html
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No. 1090725 ID: 21ba3c

I'm guessing it's probably not a good idea to try and speak their names. Not here. Names have power.
No. 1090742 ID: 124485

This is why Uncle Sifr said that you're not supposed to talk about anything when you leave this place.

Also, it seems like they don't want you to say their name.
No. 1090751 ID: bcb9b2

Not sure how you would describe them, if were you allowed
No. 1090754 ID: eb0a9c

That does not look like any of the original ménage a trois.

Moving on!
No. 1090767 ID: 184595

As you dash away, don't forget to hold hands. Staying together will be what gets you through this ordeal.

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1086407 No. 1086407 ID: eb0a9c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Note: Made with GANBot.
Warning: Not Safe For Work. May contain sexual content. Will contain gore, violence, and child abuse.
Posts will be very slow.
39 posts and 16 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1087600 ID: dd3fe0

Yes, and theeaten, "If that horrible yowling and crashing doesn't stop, I'm going to shoot everyone even vaguely present in the face!"
No. 1087689 ID: 5ebd37

No. 1088434 ID: eb0a9c
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I got this... I got this.

"Oheeey Capn Overlordy, wassap."
I don't got this.
"I... did you..."
"NooooOOOooooOOOO? OOOOO? OOOOhat?"
"Nevermind. I'm heading out tomorrow, you're in... something. Not in charge. Just... do whatever Tibberloch tells you. Don't... break the capital while I'm gone."
"...Pffahahahaha! Wellissnthanice! You-you-you forGOT! Is MY turn! But now you take my turn! Thassnice. You're NOT giving my turn-turn, though? Or isssit turn-turn-turn? Just turn? ANYWAYS I DON' OWE YOU, YOU OWE ME AND NOW YOU PAYING THE OWE ME THAT YOU UNOWED I! AHA!"
"Why do I keep you around?"
Yes, why does the Overlord keep this drunk mess around?
"I... Iunno. Maybe it's becaussss... I MURDERED that egg!"
Suddenly all the eggs scattered in the room start floating. Huh, her Trigger must be really easy to memorize if she can do it this drunk.
"AN' THIS e'!"
Okay, now that one turned blue... cute...
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No. 1088892 ID: 5ebd37

Bluff bluff bluff
You can't sleep with her tonight because... ..... becausssse... because all these eggs are really turning you off. Yes you hate eggs now, and just the thought will have you not in the mood for hours.
No. 1090766 ID: eb0a9c
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Me: "Uh... I can't, because you murdered that poor egg! And now I have to tell her family that she'll never get into bagel school!"
Aurie: "Ohhhh noooo"
Me: "Yes, what a tragic series of events that totally-"
???: "-verlord?"
Oh. Didn't get enough sleep.
Yep, I'm awake. And this still isn't a glamour.
Me: "Right. How much longer until we reach the fort?"
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1086981 No. 1086981 ID: 681cb5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

[Super NSFW]
May contain breeding, vore, transformation etc…

”Prurient Passage”
A Lascivious Labyrinth side story.

Wiki and previous threads: https://tezakia.net/wiki/Lascivious_Labyrinth

Somewhere deep in the most tenebrous wilderness, far from civilization and decency, it is said that a grand temple of the demi-god Wjares lays hidden. In those ancient rumor-shadowed halls, acts of unbridled hedonism and profane rituals were indulged in wild abandon, all to please the demi-god the structure was dedicated too. It is a place where instinct and impulse is acted up- huh? You’ve already heard this before? Alright, fine…

Welcome to the Prurient Passage! Hope you enjoy your stay…
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No. 1090149 ID: a7a180

First, give her what you took from her sister, cross two ladies off your list, and then ask them about the dungeon they guard. Where can you find more mates?
No. 1090150 ID: 56db77

Ohh I have an idea for an experiment. We have to knock up predators right? And we know unbirth guarantees pregnancy so what if we use the shrunk siter as a condom while fucking the large sister. With luck we'll knock up the little one directly and the forciable unbirth will count as us impregnanting the big one.
No. 1090151 ID: 2a82d3

Go for the "big prize", then. As scar lady will be your first in a long time, she will receive the strongest, most pent-up load you have. She'd better live up to her word about "popping out a lot of strong children". Use divination both to ensure that is the case, and to provide sweet/dirty talk to her. Ramp her up with an vivid, enticing prophecy of how swollen with she will be in her future. If you impress her enough, she might seek to live with you in the future. You should learn their names, in that case. She and her family would make a nice trophies/companions, if you weren't here on business.

It should go without saying no one here goes without bearing your burden of a curse. That includes the dude. Being a wizard is all about going hard on exploiting loopholes. There's a perfect opportunity to attack his behind while he's distracted by the dick sandwich. You could kill two birds with one stone. Rub his dick with yours to convert it, have him breed his sister, then have you breed him. (Conversation from dick to pussy optional.) Efficient!

Would they be interested in becoming your gear, like being transmute into clothes, staff, or accessories? That seems more your style, but some might consider it a fate worse than death. Of course, some wouldn't entertain the concept of being shrunk and being eaten as snacks, like they would.

You should probably interrogate them about the Passage, while you have them. (Bring out the S&M if y'all are still horny and worked up.) In no particular order:
What creatures or traps might you find in there?
What happened to any past adventurers who ventured before you?
Could you find any friendly helpful folks down there? (Perhaps there's a queen or midboss that'll be sympathetic to your cause.)
Is there anything important going down there?
They didn't ha
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No. 1090204 ID: 64faaa

Make the two males produce your seed, so if they decide to get some, the kid will be yours.

Then impregnate the 2 sisters.

Then keep the family together, & fuse the 3 siblings together. Give control of the shared body to the brother, since you can boss him around better than the sisters.

Regardless of what you do, gloat the whole way through. Now that the actual fighting parts are done, you gotta maintain your image.
No. 1090765 ID: 340fd5

make sure your the one knowking up the ladies but id say dont transform the dude
seems like hes taking using that dick like a fish to water
probably better as an ally in this place than one more spent pair of legs.
the bigger mob that has your back (and protects your backside) the better.
if you dont have enough preds bred you can always knock him up last minute on the way out .

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1084585 No. 1084585 ID: 681cb5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Wiki and previous threads: https://questden.org/wiki/Scion_of_the_Old_Blood

“Gazhtur! That which watched from beyond the stars, I call upon Thee! Nazhir! The formless lurker from the gulf between thresholds, I summon Thee! Urk’og! A devourer of worlds, of realities, I welcome you! The seals have been broken! The gates have been thrown open! Come, and bless us with your presence, oh end of endings! ” – Bövel Kråkholme, the last sermon held on the edge of oblivion.
65 posts and 28 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1090600 ID: 273c18

Let's go up to the observatory and use the lens to obtain some possibly-mindrending forbidden knowledge about an eldritch god!
No. 1090603 ID: 5ebd37

That lens was hidden for a reason, and that was to hide the name of the red star, which is probably important. You should try the observatory now, you might not get the chance later.
No. 1090724 ID: eef602

i really hope these reloaded saves wont affect our ability to get the true ending
No. 1090760 ID: 15a025

Alright then Belle. Arm yourself with something and head up to the observatory. See if you can't find anything more up there about the red star.
No. 1090762 ID: eb0a9c

We need to learn about the cult's monsters... find some way to repel them, or injure them if we're cornered.

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