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1087613 No. 1087613 ID: 46e818

Our work is done.
The raider's camp is broken.

Finesse, Tislomer, Ashedel and I traveled again to the villages of the Timore Woodlands, bringing with us the abducted children we recovered from their captivity.

Finesse's old village, Ihnesh-Nayevh, was presentable, but still recovering from the previous chaos. With their stolen children reunited, and the blessings of the Seer reaffirmed in symbol, they pledged themselves without hesitation to our cause.

Still, we chose to give them the time and distance to recover themselves, and I vowed to send an emissary in the coming days to establish a more foundational agreement.
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No. 1090601 ID: ce619a

Also, hey-
Are the denlings alright?
Previously, the odds gave the impression that the mannikin monsters were semi-mindless automatons, but that's obviously not the case with how lively Embraddeus has been.
So, are these little guys doing good? They lost one of their number awhile back and this guy doesn't look quite as "focused" as the denlings normally do.
Do they ever get any time off or rest? Are we working them too hard?
No. 1090638 ID: 46e818
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Very well. I order the Odds to expand the entrance to comfortably enter without crawling, and seek out Pendle.

"Good morning."
>"Ah, good morning, Prince."
"How are you feeling?"
>"The pain is quite unlike anything I have felt, and it will be some time before I am adjusted to my damaged body, but the residents have been encouraging and patient, especially for all I have put them through.
>For want of distraction, I am eager to return to my work. Have you come about the research you assigned? I have found a few things in my readings you may wish to know already, if you have a few minutes."
No. 1090639 ID: 7f14ef

Sign the blackboard while you talk
No. 1090640 ID: ce619a

Hear out what's he's found then inform him of the newfound room and our need of his expertise identifying the objects in it.
Again, it would be wise to have some kind of magic expert along as well to check the place for lingering magic.

And do we have any trap experts? Someone that can spot and disarm traps better than average? Because that might be a good thing to look out for. I could see Redfang being an even bigger dick and trapping his prayer room.
No. 1090648 ID: c2a27a

Get the lowdown downlow from P-diddy

also mark your territory on the blackboard
No. 1090649 ID: 273c18

Does he want more pain meds? Can't get him addicted, but surely there's some reasonable regimen.
No. 1090659 ID: 3f3d5c

There's a spot right under Ashedel. Make sure to make it flowery, boss! It shows that you put effort in.
No. 1090660 ID: 2f41db

Hes a trooper.
Pick his brain on the research then invite his company or expert opinion on the new excavation.
Sign that board.
You have to do this.
Its the very least you can do
No. 1090661 ID: eb0a9c

Work on inventing the 'camera'.
[Insert description of camera, from chemical flash to light reflecting off object to the lens where it is analog-captured on a slab of chemical paper that changes color if it comes into contact with extreme light.]
No. 1090695 ID: 7493dd

Need our scholar and witch doctor to check this out ASAP
No. 1090696 ID: 46e818
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I sign my name grandly. Pendle deserves a bit of appreciation after all he's been through, of course.

>"First, if I may, I should cover the basics of totem gods."
"Go on."
>"Well, a god, technically speaking, is simply a very powerful being, typically but not necessarily immortal -- one whose abilities so far exceed that of mortals that they seem to break our understanding of natural laws. They exist, make themselves known to mortals, and are worshipped for protection, mercy, boons, and so on. Very simple stuff so far."
No. 1090697 ID: 46e818
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>"However, while a typical god exists, and is then worshipped, a totem god is a being that is worshipped, and then exists. As we understand it, the power of mass worship essentially creates a new entity.
>That thing being worshipped could be an idea, an imagined creature or person, a local ancestor, a memory, a place, even an emotion. For example, a tribe which discovers a very large old tree that looks particularly ominous might revere it as being inhabited by a spirit. Even if the tree is completely mundane, generations of veneration could imbue it with such tangible power that it becomes what they believe it to be, and so a totem god is born.

>Now, as their existence is fueled by belief, their power grows and wanes based on that belief. A god who receives ever-growing worship may become extremely powerful indeed. Whereas a god whose influence has waned or whose followers have been conquered may shrivel, and even disappear.

>There is some debate among religious scholars, of what exactly happens to a totem god who disappears this way. Do they "die"? Can such a being truly die? Do they simply lie dormant, waiting for the day they might once again be revered? If such a god were to re-emerge, would it really be the same being, reawakened? Or would it just be a new entity that believes it is the old one? It's not exactly a field easily studied."
No. 1090698 ID: 46e818
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>"Which brings me to the amulet, that source of much mystery.
>The name "Algotsfilvris" yielded nothing much, but there is essentially no written kobold language. The "Shield of Comose", however, was quite a lead. I found a loose trail of similar designs with no attribution. I'm working on early theories, but I believe all these sigils are simply local or generational variants on the same entity.

>The being we're dealing with was once called "Odu Rumux" in an old goblin tongue I'm not so familiar with, which I can only translate as "a speaking body", or perhaps "the body that speaks".
>There's very little hard record here, but I see evidence of worship across goblins, kobolds, ogres, orcs, all manner of species. Nothing recent though, nothing I can find, at least."
No. 1090700 ID: ce619a

This was apparently a god of "protection of the ugly", so all those races worshiping it tracks.
Might explain why the czar turned a whole city of people into sprites; an "ugly," easily influenced people that could be convinced to worship this totem. Either so the czar can be it's right hand man or perhaps claim to be this god himself and let the worship empower him.

Ask Pendle if that's even possible.
No. 1090701 ID: c2a27a

Well, with a name we can start asking questions. You should probably ask Moira if any of her people know anything about Odu Rumux, and also ask the local goblins. Maybe one of them is old enough to recognize the name.

But first, you should grab Pendle and your other magically inclined friends and check out the cave.
No. 1090702 ID: 80c73b

I was wondering a related thing - what happens to the king of a large enough group of people? Is he affected by their beliefs? If he does a good job (or good PR) and his people believe him kind, wise, strong, infallible, does he become unnaturally moreso?
No. 1090703 ID: eb0a9c

Is such a being technically sapient or are they the aggregate sentience of a generalized algorithmic average?

Mmmoving on!

Hm. What if we simply made our own interpretation?
I don't like rewriting scripture, but it doesn't stop the fact that such gods require updates. Especially after what we saw among the Orcish elite.
Let's make this an open-source discussion among our lands. If this kingdom is going to be ruled by a god, it had better be the kingdom's god, not yours, not ours, and not any one faction's.
No. 1090705 ID: 2f41db

Shaped by belief, but it sounds glacially slow.
Measured in generational faith.

This trait, if it is indeed a thing you wish to control, doesnt strike me as something you will live long enough to see.

If you choose to enact a plan to shape a god, you'll metaphorically be planting trees that even your grandchildren will be waiting to see fruit.

A truly long lived species may have a perspective on this.
Perhaps itll be a good topic for pillow talk with the magnificent sadie.
No. 1090707 ID: ce619a

Most likely not...

not without the use of some kind of item of power that could allow such a thing to happen. Something like a physical totem or idol, like maybe that amulet.

All assumptions, but it's something to go off as we move forward.
No. 1090708 ID: eb0a9c

Well, it would depend on the number of followers and the rate of worship required to turn a mortal into a god.
However, turning a royal lineage literally part-divine over generations? That's... scary.
Can we... not do that? Please?
No. 1090711 ID: debc82


Would it be possible to widen the entrance to the mysterious pillar-chamber and let Pendle here have a look?

I'm thinking it might prove enlightening; either to our current search regarding the amulet, or perhaps our new benefactor in Mr. Lollypop.
No. 1090712 ID: 7493dd

old goblin tongue?
Better ask Finnie about that. Maybe make an evening out of it Boss.

Some fine wine, cold cuts and cheese. Ideal for a long conversation.
No. 1090791 ID: b11d2d

I would say "visit the goblin village and make use of their collected knowledge", but they might need some time to rest after their mass hysteria/orgy thing.
Besides, Finnie seems like the nerdiest of them all, so asking just her might be enough.

What I'm wondering, though: Pendle, do any of those worshippers trace back to Czar Bomba's region? As in, did he dig it up from a local area, or did he come into possession of this relic during an expedition, a journey or a conquest?
No. 1090798 ID: b85b90

Is this run by the original Weaver from /tg/? I'm a tourist, sorry for the ignorance.

If so, I wanted to drop a line that Ruby and Tom from Rubyquest were nominated for /qst/'s King and Queen of /qst/ contest. Ruby lost out in the highly competitive qualification round, but Tom made it through qualifiers and is about to compete in the official King Contest as soon as that gets posted (complete with commissioned art from one of our drawfags).

It's been a long time since you ran on 4chan, but the questing community there still has a lot of respect and admiration for you, and new quests visibly inspired by Rubyquest still pop up fairly often. Thanks for everything.
No. 1090802 ID: ce619a

>As in, did he dig it up from a local area, or did he come into possession of this relic during an expedition, a journey or a conquest?

The Czar never had it. He wanted to kill us for it. We found it in Redfang's possession, who was probably randomly worshiping it like all the other gods.
No. 1090812 ID: c8fb89

New plan. Become a god. Dragons are attracted to power, and gods are powerful, ergo a dragon would be attracted to a god.
No. 1090833 ID: 5c1847

>Discussion board
No. 1090834 ID: 5c1847

Gotta take into account that she may be older than anyone in the village (Or the village itself).
No. 1090944 ID: 46e818
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"I could ask Finesse for her insight."
>"If you like. It's an archaic old tongue, so I doubt she'd know, but it couldn't hurt to ask."

"Well, I've come to tell you we've excavated what may be an old chamber of worship. I'd like your expertise."
>"Ah, well! I was not expecting such an opportunity right at home. Very well, give me a moment to collect myself."
No. 1090945 ID: 46e818
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"One more thought on totem gods -- would it be possible for a widely respected mortal, like a king, to be deified in this way?"
>"No, I don't believe so. A totem god is created to fill a void, to create a new entity where worship is being directed. If there's already someone there, I don't think anything in particular would happen.
>Besides, even if something similar were possible, it would likely take generations. A long-term plan, to say the least. The only way--


"What is it?"
>"No, I just-- this discussion has given me a strange inkling. I-- it may need more time to percolate."
No. 1090946 ID: ce619a

Uh oh.
Wait a minute. If the amulet is capable of turning mortals into totemtic gods and we currently possess it...

>We've been protecting, helping and saving peoples who would be regarded as "ugly"
>The seer saying "We've met before, haven't we?"
>The demon saying "Now I see what you are. Only now, at the end, do I recognize you."
>Then tearing it apart with your mind

Congrats, you're a fledgling god.

Test this theory out by going outside and trying your fire knack at the maximum power you can muster. Make sure you don't point it at anything you don't want to lose.
No. 1090947 ID: eb0a9c

>Voltos are going extinct
>Rebels are angry over lack of overrepresentation of Voltos
>Finesse is really @#$%ing old and has worshipped your family for generations
I think this is a species-wide conspiracy.
They... know that representing other races is more profitable in the long run. They saw that King Muschio was popular and that produced more yield. They saw their fortunes rise more than if they took over themselves... and the new royals didn't care. Because your father was on the verge of dissolving the divinity that was in their grasp - and of course, they wanted that divinity for themselves.
I think this would explain a lot about society's obsession with absolute power over more power.
No. 1090949 ID: b11d2d

Please ask Babrakus to make taller bunk beds. Pendle has to hunch down just to fit on the lower bed. The guy's got enough mental reasons to hunch over as it is, no need to encourage it.
No. 1090951 ID: ce619a

He was possessed at the time when he asked for his own quarters, but might as well ask now that's he's demon-free if he still wants his own room.
No. 1090954 ID: 748aaf

This theory might actually hold some water, and it would make sense as to why the Czar wanted it.
No. 1090955 ID: 273c18

No, it's not Muschio. It's us.
No. 1090958 ID: 547921

We should probably find out from Finnie how long goblins usually live. Just in case.
No. 1090977 ID: 7493dd

We are supposed to be the result of a curse.
Boss, what can you recall of the events that brought us into being?
No. 1090991 ID: 2f41db

Agreed, though i wouldnt be surprised if he prefers the billets.
The last thing he may want right now is to be left alone with his thoughts.
Company, even background white noise of the presence of others, may be a balm right now.
No. 1091007 ID: 58dd24

Best I can remember is "When I fled my dying kingdom, that's when things became hectic. I found my way to Iniziare Citta and lived there in quiet secrecy for a while before it became clear the rebels weren't looking for me. My mind was fractured by a gypsy curse -- but you know this. The fragile part of my subconscious, that part which brews up ideas and decisions, that part which every man hears so constantly day in and day out, whispering passing thoughts to himself without even noticing its voices, which produces in him strange mental images and peculiar, fleeting notions -- that part is you. Ripped from my psyche and stuffed into this orb, a physical container of a part of my own mind I can never re-integrate.
"It is a rather schizophrenic feeling. To be honest, I believe there's an element of psychosis involved in all this."
No. 1091008 ID: 46e818
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"Well, you'll have to explain it to me once you've got it more figured out."
>"But of course, Prince."

"I'll ask Finesse about this shortly, but for now, let's focus on exploring this new chamber."
>"Yes, very well."

"...what is it?"
>"Ah. It's just, I'm realizing now we've both lost a part of ourselves, pursuing a greater whole."
No. 1091009 ID: 46e818
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We arrive at the entrance, now widened, if only slightly, by the Odds.

>"I suppose I am ready. Will anyone be joining me or am I to enter alone?"
No. 1091010 ID: c2a27a

You should probably go with him, and also bring along Ona and Erisol, just in case there's any magic whojiwhatsits.
No. 1091011 ID: ce619a

As our tinkerer, Finesse should be the best at detecting mechanical traps should there be any.
No. 1091012 ID: 3f3d5c

I mean, yeah, we should totally go in there with him. We wanna scope it out, too, right? Maybe seeing it ourselves will make us think up more questions, besides.
Shouldn't need anyone else, though. It's apparently not a big room, isn't dangerous, and we don't want it to get too crowded. Have the Odd stand by the entrance in case we need it to go fetch something, though.
No. 1091013 ID: debc82


Let's go with him, Big M. It was our idea, after all.
No. 1091014 ID: b11d2d

Enter with him, but before that, tie a rope around your waists and fasten it to something that can carry your weights. It's only a small room, a place of worship - it should be safe. But I don't want us to take any chances with trapdoors and spike pits.
No. 1091015 ID: 58dd24

This seems like a job that would benefit from the witchy side of our witch doctor's expertise
No. 1091016 ID: 273c18

Let's have someone knowledgable about traps go in with, as well as someone who can fight off any undead or wild animals there may be in there.
No. 1091018 ID: 2f41db

Accompany him big m.
I dont expect danger but a variety of knowledge is the mark of a goodcruler.
Seeing hom at work and his immediage discoveries may be stimulating.
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