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File 169404244903.png - (858.87KB , 1411x1073 , Mech1.png )
1071850 No. 1071850 ID: ed041d

Clark IV, a world under fire.

The Interstellar Transit Authority currently holds the planet under martial law. The planet has seen a turbulent past century, guerilla fighters have been holding it hard and there has been no progress in taking hold.

Mercenary companies have been brought in to step in as a force multiplier, but they are beholden to no one but whoever pays the most.

Corporate entities have also begun to set their eyes on the planet below.

It is hell.
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No. 1086776 ID: 5ebd37

I think thats all. Make a little small talk and lets move on. Is it time for the next mission yet?
No. 1086865 ID: ed041d
File 171102785004.png - (59.54KB , 477x345 , Mech38.png )

:SeamusIcon: Who is your handler anyways?

:PilotIconF: Hannibal.

:SeamusIcon: Damn, got him huh? Well I won't keep any more of your time, just know that he's a bit of a troublemaker among the corporate structure, he's got big goals.

You step back outside of the bar, today was a big mission, you could hit the barracks if you want to clear the board and get some new jobs. Or is there anything else you want to do?
No. 1086871 ID: 8f9bc4

Hit the barracks it's time to take a well earned rest.
No. 1086884 ID: 5ebd37

a troublemaker, eh? When he rebuffed our attempt to hang out, was he trying to protect us? Or was he trying to keep us from finding out what he's up to.

Anyway, time to rest.
No. 1086953 ID: ed041d
File 171120449489.png - (11.03KB , 156x105 , Mech72.png )

You hit the barracks and rest for the day.
No. 1086955 ID: ed041d
File 171120506353.png - (19.61KB , 800x182 , Mech126.png )

It's a new day, and you hit the Job Board.

:HandlerIcon: Good to see you're awake 637. No word yet on the new Mech Parts, but they'll be in reserve soon enough. Wilson Scrap is still testing them under observation of the ITA. Until then, let's get some jobs done. We can get two done today, so pick your first one.

Assassination - Red Mask
The ITA isn't the only one with Mercenary support, the Monarchy is paying off some top quality mercenaries with access to the Alien Technology they recover. The Red Mask is a nameless mercenary who may or may not be a legacy line of sorts.

Destruction - New Superweapon
Reports of a testing site for a new superweapon have been found, your job will be to enter in and destroy it. Simple, straightforward, worth the time.

Escort ITA Diplomats
There are points on this planet not totally under the control of the Monarchy, our job will be cover support for a convoy of ITA Diplomats attempting to reach to some of the smaller governmental bodies not yet under control.

Test New Weapons
No explanation needed, you're being handed experimental arms and then dropped into an active combat zone for field data.

:HandlerIcon: Up to you which one you pick 637.
No. 1086961 ID: b3eab7

Strategically speaking, I'd say either the escort job or the superweapon destruction are most interesting. Now which one would play most to our strengths?
No. 1086971 ID: 5ebd37

destruction and escort sound like they play to our strengths.
No. 1087116 ID: ed041d
File 171140030824.png - (4.57KB , 607x88 , Mech127.png )


:HandlerIcon: Sounds good 637, we'll single those jobs out for today, which one will you do first? the ITA diplomats are on a loose schedule but do need to get done today. The Superweapon we don't have any further information on, we may be lucky and be able to get a head start or face the thing partially done. All up to you, choose wisely.
No. 1087128 ID: b3eab7

Superweapon first, don't want a nasty surprise during the escort.
No. 1087134 ID: eb0a9c

Abstain. Let's get going.
No. 1087149 ID: 5ebd37

Superweapon, best to nip that in the bud.
No. 1087173 ID: c572e3

see if there's any new weapons or equipment to mess around with before we head out, might be something fun to use...
No. 1087187 ID: 8f9bc4


That would admittedly be an absolutely legendary failure.

"Why thank you miss mercenary! It looks like we've arrived at our destination safe and sound!"

No. 1087244 ID: ed041d
File 171154752591.png - (2.61KB , 607x42 , Mech128.png )

You lock in the Superweapon job.
No. 1087245 ID: ed041d
File 171154774827.png - (54.75KB , 829x455 , Mech Build Blank.png )

Now it is time to assemble your parts for this mission. How are you going to assemble this machine?

Your current Parts are
- August
- Ryu

Current Weapons are
- Machine Gun
- Rail Rifle
- Shotgun
- Kinetic Shield
- Shoulder Grenade
- Shoulder Missile

Your Expansion Packs are
- Booster

What will you put together?
No. 1087285 ID: 5ebd37

Something built for speed, but ready to demolish when we reach the weapon.
Booster, shotgun, machine gun, shoulder missiles
This seems like a run and gun mission
No. 1087288 ID: 8f9bc4

Hey waitasec weren't you gonna get access to a new DUNARIS MECH? I think you may have gotten snookered...
No. 1087382 ID: ed041d
File 171172314395.png - (57.45KB , 829x455 , Mech129.png )

You set this loadout, your basic August Mech has good speed for its build.

As stated here
The parts are still being tested and thus aren't available yet. The design was very alien after all, you didn't even know where the cockpit was, it has only been a day since you grabbed it.
No. 1087383 ID: ed041d
File 171172330270.png - (42.67KB , 383x236 , Mech130.png )

> Drop Complete

You are put on the outskirts of the mission zone, and you begin racing off to the center.

:HandlerIcon: 6-7. -rea i- -oat-- -n jammers. Communica---- wil- b- -ifficult. ----- on ---- own. -ood -uck.

That's gonna be a problem, do you want to send a quick burst back to Hannibal?
No. 1087388 ID: 8f9bc4


Alright, but you got an eagle eye on those guys... better not be any funny business!


Yell to him "Oatmeal is sticky when wet!" It'll come through garbled, and he'll be hella puzzled what you just said. But seriously, communication jamming is worrying. What's your surroundings look like?
No. 1087394 ID: b3eab7

Simply respond "Acknowledged", that should be enough.

Being on your own means you need to keep an extra eye on your surroundings.
No. 1087432 ID: 5ebd37

hopefully this will prevent the enemy from raising the alarm as easily.
No. 1087575 ID: ed041d
File 171193302310.png - (19.26KB , 387x270 , Mech131.png )

:PilotIconF: Roger.

You approach a large compound, helicopters above, whatever is in there has to be the superweapon in there. How are you going to get in, do you want to try a loud approach or a sneaky approach?
No. 1087578 ID: 5ebd37

As a lone assailant, your best bet is to maintain stealth as long as possible.
... did they ever tell us what the superweapon looks like?
No. 1087592 ID: 8f9bc4

Considering one of those helicopters was almost enough for three of you, I thiiiiiink sneaky might be best. Can you plot an estimate of the helicopters' projected routes, so you can stay out of line of sight? What's down inside the canyone outside of the complex?
No. 1087787 ID: ed041d
File 171206728557.png - (37.80KB , 485x429 , Mech132.png )

Only the location of the compound, which you are entering slowly. Your job is to essentially find out what this superweapon is.

They don't seem to be the giant copters, but still, detection would be ill advised if you're taking things quietly.

You dart into the canyon itself, the wall of the compound is relatively unprotected at the moment, though there is a singular entrance. There might be more around, do you wish to look around or take the door?
No. 1087792 ID: 8f9bc4

Look around, always.
No. 1087794 ID: 5ebd37

Look for any utility entrances.
No. 1087929 ID: ed041d
File 171223647909.png - (47.98KB , 705x542 , Mech133.png )

You look up at the wall and spot a few things, an open section far up the wall, an access door, two box walkers overlooking the area, and what looks to be pipes stretching off into the canyon. You seem to have options.

What will you take? What may be the most advantageous?
No. 1087930 ID: 98952d

Pipes might lead right to the heart of the facility. That's probably our best bet
No. 1087932 ID: b3eab7

Pipes are the only way in that still has a chance of staying stealthy. Let's just hope they're not full.
No. 1088076 ID: ed041d
File 171240586591.png - (22.37KB , 331x203 , Mech134.png )


You opt to take the pipe, finding a entrance hatch on the top.
No. 1088077 ID: ed041d
File 171240596676.png - (15.24KB , 359x169 , Mech135.png )

You follow the pipe flow, moving against rough crude byproduct of some industrial process. Something is being manufactured in here.
No. 1088078 ID: ed041d
File 171240603825.png - (50.71KB , 624x366 , Mech136.png )

You reach a pit where the byproduct is collected, you can wait here for awhile as there are some Walkers outside, do you want to wait or do you wish to do something else?
No. 1088079 ID: 5ebd37

Observe for a minute. What are your exits for this room?
No. 1088084 ID: 8f9bc4

Any sign of the superweapon? Can you see where materials are being transported?
No. 1088381 ID: ed041d
File 171268025732.png - (41.61KB , 619x432 , Mech137.png )

You peak your optics out to observe, seems to be a conveyor system of sorts outside, the factory is inactive at the moment and the walkers don't sound like they've moved.

From what can you tell they are unarmed.

What shall you do?
No. 1088383 ID: 8f9bc4

This... doesn't look like an assembly plant for a superweapon. Maybe it's for super weapon-s, like a new kind of gun to strap onto a mech? I suppose you could just block the waste pipe somehow and hope that causes a huge meltdown but... you need to follow the conveyors to find more about the manufacturing process if you want to disable this thing. How are you going to get past the walkers though? And where are all the armed security, if this is such a highly protected superweapon project?
No. 1088406 ID: b3eab7

Is this door mech-sized? If so, walk there like you belong here.
No. 1088427 ID: 5ebd37

sneak over behind the conveyor and see where it goes.
No. 1088513 ID: ed041d
File 171284378879.png - (14.86KB , 176x281 , Mech138.png )

The door is indeed Mech Sized
No. 1088514 ID: ed041d
File 171284384207.png - (19.11KB , 214x235 , Mech139.png )

It seems the security are Siren model Box Walkers. This guys are automated warning systems as compared to the regular piloted models.

Sneaking past them may be difficult, how do you want to handle it?
No. 1088518 ID: 29370e

Do we know how these bots act? If we splashed on the other side of the tank would they go look or would they just sound the alarm?
Could also try getting out of the tank in a way that splashes them while simultaneously boosting over them to land behind the conveyors. If they aren't smart they'll be busy looking at the tank while you get away scott free.
No. 1088521 ID: 8f9bc4


Yes, simple automations are just going to go where they see a disturbance. You need to direct their attention to one side of the tank, hop off the other and jet it.
No. 1088830 ID: ed041d
File 171319355801.png - (20.54KB , 405x212 , Mech140.png )


You grab a handfull of the sludge from the tank, the splashing seems to have caught the attention of the Walkers.
No. 1088831 ID: ed041d
File 171319358319.png - (29.78KB , 318x280 , Mech141.png )

They are distracted by the splash, do you want to advance to the door or do something else?
No. 1088834 ID: a066b2

This seems suspiciously easy, but cautiously sneak to the door.
No. 1088865 ID: eb0a9c

You're on the clock. The bots may be dumb, but the AI managing them will eventually realize there's an intruder in the building. Sneak fast and don't be afraid to break stealth for a combat advantage.
No. 1089026 ID: ed041d
File 171336399733.png - (8.36KB , 180x106 , Mech142.png )

You take off, the Walkers are on a short timer and may try to find out where the splash come from.
No. 1089027 ID: ed041d
File 171336402561.png - (90.77KB , 847x649 , Mech143.png )

You pass through the door and enter into the main section of the compound, finding a massive machine in the center...

You suspect this is the superweapon.
No. 1089029 ID: 8f9bc4

Oh good. It is one single superweapon then, not a huge pile of them. Now, it's surely impervious to the firepower of a single lonely mech, but there must be access panels to get into it. Is anything inscribed on the side?

You're sure it's a superweapon, right? This is starting to feel like a setup. What could get Kowalski-Wayne in serious trouble, if you mistakenly blew it up?

Well, no time for hesitation now. Cast IDENTIFY on the—I mean, access panels. Find out what's inside this beast, and where you might be able to sabatoge it.
No. 1089052 ID: a066b2

No guards? Great so its a trap then.
Look for panels and hatches, any way to the interior
No. 1089066 ID: eb0a9c

Literally stuff missiles in there and wire them to explode when they stop receiving your coded signal.
No. 1089190 ID: ed041d
File 171353456082.png - (52.94KB , 438x381 , Mech144.png )

You run a scan to get a better look at the damn thing and it's a heavy weapons platform. Still in construction, the weapons, control units, etc, have yet to be attached, but it's very clear that just stuffing some missiles into it won't work. The armor is incredibly thick, and without any of the weapons attached a chain explosion won't do anything.

You'll have to search for other options but you should be able to find something.
No. 1089192 ID: 619ac8

Well what if you attached the weapons? Look for a crane control room.
No. 1089193 ID: 3a9fbe

Or pile all the attachments on top and blow em up
No. 1089195 ID: 61be31

Any way we could durably sabotage its treads?
No. 1089207 ID: 8f9bc4

That is one massive weapons platform. You could fit a small city in there! It's apparently been constructed from the bottom up, so the top might still be unarmored. Probably no way to sabatoge the treads that would pass cursory inspection.
No. 1089350 ID: ed041d
File 171374383345.png - (12.34KB , 222x294 , Mech145.png )

You search about the room and find what looks to be a crane operation booth. If you want to sabotage the weapons you should be able to do so from there.
No. 1089351 ID: ed041d
File 171374387816.png - (18.68KB , 213x189 , Mech146.png )

You reach the room, but you find a problem, your mech is still too large to enter it. You could attempt to exit the mech and operate it from there, but this risks your being as you're far squishier without your armored unit.

What do you do?
No. 1089358 ID: 5ebd37

How is your fine manipulation skill? Peel off the roof and you can access the controls. Maybe punching the controls will do something, or at least make a start at the sabotage.
No. 1089360 ID: 8f9bc4

If you do exit the mech, position it so that it blocks access to the crane operation booth, with the mech's access hatch at the doorway.
No. 1089385 ID: b3eab7

This. That would both defend the booth and the mech.
No. 1089453 ID: ed041d
File 171388102862.png - (25.48KB , 268x182 , Mech147.png )

You place the mech right against the door and angle it, before dropping out and wandering into the operation room. It should provide you some protection for now, you just hope nobody damages it too much.
No. 1089454 ID: ed041d
File 171388106068.png - (75.57KB , 1044x577 , Mech148.png )

You find the control console, easy enough for you to commandeer what with your neural augmentations. There seem to be some options, what do you want to do?
No. 1089456 ID: 5ebd37

Check out the Powerplant info, if it's already installed maybe it could be set to overload.
No. 1089481 ID: 8f9bc4

What's Project Deadline? Sounds ominous.

Wait no that's just the project deadline.
No. 1089676 ID: ed041d
File 171405210298.png - (22.80KB , 518x272 , Mech149.png )

You check out the Powerplant, it's an old nuclear reactor design, instead of anything alien. That's interesting, maybe they can't use alien power just yet? Maybe they're limited.

You'll note it down in case it becomes important, but you take note of the current status of the Reactor.

What do you want to do with this information?
No. 1089685 ID: 2c342c

I don't suppose you can make it meltdown from here. Makes a good target if you can get inside though.

What comes up under 'internals'?
No. 1089847 ID: ed041d
File 171423430085.png - (21.35KB , 518x272 , Mech150.png )

Making it melt down should be a possibility, this thing seems to be an autonomous platform so it'd probably have a remote meltdown.

Looking over the internals, you find several options for how to sabotage this thing, leaving you many options. You might want to pick soon, you're not certain how much longer you have.
No. 1089848 ID: 5ebd37

Drone cache may be our way in. See if you can open the drone's exit hatch from here.
No. 1089857 ID: 8f9bc4


Sneak in, remove the cooling rods, sneak out. Soon as they power it up, the whole thing will melt into radioactive slag, and you'll be long gone.
No. 1089970 ID: b3eab7

This, best sabotage if you can manage it.
No. 1089988 ID: ed041d
File 171440023795.png - (18.71KB , 518x272 , Mech151.png )

You operate the controls and get the drone cache to open, you should have a way into the Juggernaut Platform now.
No. 1089989 ID: ed041d
File 171440026557.png - (33.75KB , 323x191 , Mech152.png )

You however, hear a click and realize there's a guard behind you. What do you do?
No. 1090002 ID: 237edf

Drop and kick em in the knee. Get their gun away and get back in your mech.
No. 1090009 ID: 8f9bc4

Why isn't he shooting? Maybe you can talk your way out of it? Wait no, your mech is out there in plain sight. It's a... maintenance... construction... vehicle?
No. 1090070 ID: ed041d
File 171456931526.png - (24.56KB , 188x266 , Mech153.png )

You decide to engage with a dialogue, as they haven't shot you yet.

:GuardIcon: Who are you? Why is that unmarked mech here? What do you think you're doing?

You're gonna have to be smart here, what do you say to those questions?
No. 1090077 ID: eb0a9c

Quick, feign an internal lust detonator!

Shiver in place, screaming "NO, DON-", then drop on the floor and strip while you offer to suck his dick, apparently uncaring of the gun in your face.

While he's confused, tackle his legs and then grab the gun. Beat him unconscious or jab him with the barrel after firing.
No. 1090078 ID: 1effd3

"I'm here to test the facilities security measures. Command won't appreciate how easy it was to get in here, or with the lack of encryption on their new toy. Your commander is going to have one hell of a bad day after I make my report. I do commend that at least one soldier is capable of doing his job. What's your name soldier?"
No. 1090086 ID: b3eab7

Say you've been fighting those corporate invaders all day and are out of ammo. You went to the factory directly because something seems to have happened to the supply chain, it dried up.
No. 1090090 ID: 8f9bc4

Didn't he see the official company logo? It's only on one side of the mech.
No. 1090128 ID: 5ebd37

this, but act all exasperated and take him outside to see. that's when you knock him out.
No. 1090199 ID: ed041d
File 171474426451.png - (40.02KB , 411x262 , Mech154.png )


:PilotIconF: I'm here to test the facilities security measures. Command won't appreciate how easy it was to get in here, or with the lack of encryption on their new toy. Your commander is going to have one hell of a bad day after I make my report!

:GuardIcon: You're from command?!

:PilotIconF: Of course I am! Didn't you see the official logo on the mech? It's not hard to miss!

:GuardIcon: I am so sorry ma'am! I didn't see it, i-if you want we can go out and you can show it to me!

You've gotten into his head, what is your next course of action?
No. 1090258 ID: 5ebd37

Distraction. Don't give him time to think, direct his attention to the console. Quickly back out to the main menu, going through the other entries and how easily they could be used for sabotage. Why was this important console unguarded, hmm? Turn the console off while berating him on this lack of security.
No. 1090261 ID: 1effd3

don't berate him, tell him how his boss will get berated for this potential breach in security!
No. 1090379 ID: ed041d
File 171493301558.png - (34.07KB , 307x224 , Mech155.png )


:PilotIconF: This station is meant to be assembling the Juggernaut correct? Your commander is in some deep trouble, however you might be able to avoid that.

:GuardIcon: I-I will?

:PilotIconF: Yes, you will, you just need to do a little something for me.

This is your chance, what will you do?
No. 1090396 ID: d3e469

Freakin' judo chop!
No. 1090411 ID: 5ebd37

tell him he needs to stay here and monitor the console while you test the warning systems inside the super weapon.
No. 1090412 ID: 8f9bc4

Well you—oh.

No. 1090803 ID: ed041d
File 171555540964.png - (25.11KB , 239x190 , Mech156.png )

:PilotIconF: Keep watch over the monitor, I have to do an internal inspection of the Juggernaut. Can you handle that?

:GuardIcon: Y-Yes! Yes I can do that no problem!

Alright, he's in your palms, anything else you want to do or do you want to get in now?
No. 1090809 ID: 8f9bc4

Nope, more time spent means more can go wrong. Book it. Time to go uh, "test" their systems.
No. 1090810 ID: 5ebd37

Got to speed run this before he figures it out.
No. 1090826 ID: eb0a9c

Walk briskly, and use careful movements, but also rush said movements. If you sprint, he'll realize you're bluffing, but as long as you look like a disgruntled inspector who just had some grunt wave a gun in her face and wants to get this over with, you're good.
No. 1090940 ID: ed041d
File 171569900706.png - (16.15KB , 260x272 , Mech157.png )

With the juggernaut open, and the Guard handled, you move with purpose and reenter your mech. After that it's a simple journey into the mech.
No. 1090941 ID: ed041d
File 171569904212.png - (20.53KB , 275x169 , Mech158.png )

Inside the Juggernaut is relatively open, it really is unfinished, it gives you a clear look at the central reactor.

Here's your opportunity, what shall you do?
No. 1090943 ID: eb0a9c

Plant bomb. Run.
No. 1090956 ID: 5ebd37

Do we have any way to take the missiles out of our launcher? Pile them up around the reactor, then sabotage the coolant system. It heats up, they explode, and you have time to get far away.
No. 1090961 ID: b3eab7

Sabotaging the coolant system is #1 priority.

For extra irony, if some cooling system parts are of roughly similar shape and size as the missiles, you could do a little substitution...
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