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File 171201050479.png - (208.54KB , 800x600 , title.png )
1087619 No. 1087619 ID: 6290ec

If we open our minds to the existence of other universes, there's no limit to the possibilities that we could experience in the world of boning.
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No. 1090566 ID: e5e504

A, and even more A when D happens anyways.
No. 1090573 ID: 3f89df

She saw your teet, now ya gotta show her your D
No. 1090576 ID: ae3286

A or B.
No. 1090586 ID: 05a3b7

No. 1090597 ID: 7c0da2

B, A
No. 1090614 ID: d87606


Learning how to set boundaries is an important part of cultivating healthy relationships. You can tell Keeireer that you're not comfortable exposing your form to her right now, and that maybe she could take you to someone else, that wouldn't require you to do magic or transform. If she's insistent,then you can relent and try your magic kinesis.
No. 1090856 ID: 6290ec
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"Yeeeaah, I'm just gonna lift her up with my TELEKINETIC MAGIC, if you don't mind."

"Oh... that's fine!"

Though she tries to mask it, there's a disappointment in her voice that makes you feel a bit guilty. But you have to consider your own comfort, right?


Maybe... maybe if the two of you get to know each other better, you'll feel more comfortable showing her 'that' side of you.

Yeah, that sounds like a good plan.
No. 1090857 ID: 6290ec
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Urgh... whatever's down there is a lot heavier than you expected.

>Is the suit heavy? Its totally heavy aint it?

Hrrrrggghhhhh... argh! It's not budging.

What'd you expect? TELEKINETIC MAGIC isn't your main school, so it's obviously weaker than your FIRE MAGIC. You could probably pull it off as a dragon, but this mortal body has built-in limitations to bring it in line with the mortal races.

...With one exception.
No. 1090858 ID: 6290ec
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If you tap into your draconic WATER MAGIC, focusing on having the lake itself push the aquatic birb upward while you pull with TELEKINETIC MAGIC, you might just be able to pull this off.

You prefer to avoid using WATER MAGIC outside of emergencies like earlier, but... you'll do it this once. For friendship.

Slowly but surely, you feel something give. It's working!
No. 1090859 ID: 6290ec
File 171563873491.png - (132.08KB , 800x600 , 51.png )

And just like that, the bird and her MECHANICAL SUIT have been extracted. It's much larger than you expected! No wonder that was so hard.

"Wow! You're really amazing, Ceri!" Keireer says, her earlier disappointment replaced with awe at the raw magical might you had put on display.

You can't help but blush slightly. "A-ah, well... so how do we open this thing, anyway?"

"I'm not sure! Cekachii's never really told me how it works, exactly."

"Should we uh... try to wake her?"

"We can try! She's a pretty heavy sleeper, though."

You think back to your childhood, and your struggles to wake your father so he'd take you to the playground at the park. Could one of your Secret Awakening Techniques work here too...?

What'll you do?

A: Search the machine for some kind of button.
Surely there's an emergency override for the hatch, or... something.

B: Get Keireer to chirp real real loud.
Birds: nature's alarm clocks!

C: Sing the 'wake up' song.
I-it might be embarrassing to do it in front of Keireer, but it always wakes your dad up.

D: Dragon roar!

E: Shake her like a vending machine.
Shake enough and a bird will fall out.
No. 1090860 ID: 25c93b

Time to button mash rapidly shake. E, A
No. 1090862 ID: 6645ca

A and E - look for something WHILE you shake
No. 1090863 ID: c3fe97

Pinball a bird. E.
No. 1090864 ID: a7a180

B/a. Keireer might need some encouragement to peep loud enough - tickle her!
No. 1090865 ID: 965675

No. 1090866 ID: 541e01

A, E! what if you slam on the front of the suit until something opens? There is a lot of fancy circuits it looks like, something has to be a button!
No. 1090867 ID: 4f903f

E, A
No. 1090868 ID: b85041

Carefully poke and prod the bird while Keireer sings a wake up song. Careful not to snag your clothes on those metal bits.
No. 1090869 ID: 99f29a

No. 1090870 ID: 0043e8

A, c. You're a smart and learned dragon, are you gonna turn down the chance to explore that suit? Putting your lips to the glass may allow for better penetration if humming.
Oh, and promise Keireer to show her your Dragon later.
No. 1090871 ID: be3107

A and E.
No. 1090872 ID: aa0c8a

Shakedown a button, somehow. Primary E, secondary A
No. 1090874 ID: 273c18

D, c
No. 1090876 ID: 861ceb

work together using the power of friendship to wake up new friend.
No. 1090877 ID: b67223

E,a and shout "WAKE UP!"
No. 1090880 ID: 365de0

Tap on the glass. Smush your face against it to see inside.
No. 1090881 ID: 7c0da2

A, E
No. 1090885 ID: 6cec12

F: knock politely on helmet, because your mama raised you right.
No. 1090889 ID: 056956

B, e
No. 1090890 ID: 1ff64e

Primary E, secondary A
That bird looks very asleep, I'm not sure you're going to wake them up through that suit just by being noisy! also watch out for that sharp bit on the back except i crossed this part out that means don't watch out for it
No. 1090891 ID: c3de9f

B, D
No. 1090898 ID: 2a82ad

E, A. One of those two options is sure to cause clothing damage maybe
No. 1090900 ID: 629cad


Turn into a dragon, rawr, and shake her out!
No. 1090908 ID: 5ebd37

B and D Team up!
No. 1090911 ID: 5f920e

A or E for something funny
No. 1090916 ID: 031458

Maybe if we yell really loud?

(one vote)
No. 1090918 ID: 830162

No. 1090925 ID: cb6cf8

Grope Keireer. Engage in Plan B.
No. 1090926 ID: 7a406e

A do or don't hit an explosive button
No. 1090928 ID: ba8a03

B and D at the same time! Bad Dragon? Bird Dragon!
No. 1090933 ID: bcb9b2

Shaking someone inside of metal, even if it is probably cushioned, would be such a bad idea
B AND C, together! working together surely you two could wake anyone!
No. 1090934 ID: 57ec6f

A then E
No. 1090935 ID: 0480e2

No. 1090939 ID: 01ca2c

Wait, don’t open the hatch on that diving suit! She’ll get the bends!
No. 1090948 ID: eb0a9c

C) I bet the song is obscenely lewd and I wanna hear it.
A) The rational option. Nobody's stupid enough to put a self-destruct on the outer layer of their armor.
No. 1090957 ID: 0a9115

A button that shakes! (E)
No. 1090963 ID: ccad8d

>You think back to your childhood, and your struggles to wake your father so he'd take you to the playground at the park.
You mean that one time you accidentally used your magic to set him on fire and then purposely used your magic to splash him with water to put out the fire? Yeah, it's crazy that happened, huh? Especially since your dad slept through the whole thing!

A, then e.

>She’ll get the bends!
I mean, yeah, of course she'll spontaneously want to bend Ceri over and spank her for being woken up. But I don't think that's a good enough reason to stop us from opening it up.
No. 1090973 ID: ebae20

C, and E
No. 1090975 ID: 1ff64e

A hard armored suit like that is probably an atmospheric diving suit, which doesn't risk decompression sickness since your body isn't compressed to begin with.
No. 1091000 ID: 9188de

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